Second Workshop on

Recent Advances in Concurrency and Logic



We invite submissions describing talk proposals on the intersection of logic and concurrency. 

A submission to RADICAL would typically fall within one of the following categories:

This list is by no means exhaustive but merely indicative. 

For instance, since RADICAL will precede CONCUR, authors of papers accepted at a main conference may consider proposing a talk in RADICAL that promotes (or gives context to) a technical talk to be delivered at the conference(s) later on the week.

Prospective authors are encouraged to contact the organizers in case of questions. 

Submissions based on already published works should include explicit references/links as appropriate. Reviewers may read such prior published works, but are not obliged to do so. 

Submissions will be judged by the program committee on the basis of significance, relevance, and potential of an engaging, compelling talk at the workshop.

Submission from PC members is encouraged.

Submissions should be in PDF, up to three pages (not including references), produced using the EasyChair format. Please submit your talk proposal via EasyChair. at

It is understood that for each accepted submission one of the co-authors will attend the workshop and give the talk.