Edited Books
Tehrani J, Kendal JR, Kendal RL. (In Progress). The Handbook of Cultural Evolution. Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters
9. Kendal RL. (In Press). Cultural Evolution: Innovation, Social learning, Cumulative culture & Applications. In Oxford Handbook on Advances in Culture & Psychology Vol. 11. (Gelfand MJ, Chiu CY, Hong YY, Eds.)
8. Kendal RL & Watson R. (2023). Adaptive social learning: social learning strategies and their applications. In The Handbook of Cultural Evolution. Oxford University Press. Tehrani J, Kendal JR, Kendal RL (Eds.). online first
7. Kendal RL. (2022). Social Learning Strategies. In Evolution of Learning and Memory Mechanisms (Mark Krause, Karen L Hollis, Mauricio R Papini, Eds) Cambridge University Press.
6. Kendal RL. (2021) Overview: Social Learning & Teaching. In The Cambridge Handbook of Animal Cognition (Psychology Series). (Allison Kaufman, Josep Call, James Kaufman, Eds.) Cambridge University Press.
5. Schapiro SJ, Brosnan SF, Hopkins WD, Whiten A, Kendal RL, Sherwood CC, Lambeth SP. (2017). Collaborative research and behavioral management. In Handbook of Primate Behavioral Management. CRC Press.
4. Vale, G.L., Carr, K., Dean, L.G. & Kendal, R.L. (2017). The cultural capacity of human and nonhuman primates: Social learning, innovation, and cumulative culture. In Evolution of Nervous Systems. (Kass, J.., Ed.) Oxford: Elsevier. 3:475-508.
3. Kendal, R.L. (2015). Social learning and culture in non-human organisms. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. (Wright, J.D., Ed.) Oxford: Elsevier. 22: 401-408.
2. Kendal R.L., Coolen, I. & Laland, K.N. (2009). Adaptive Trade-offs in the use of Social and Personal Information. In Cognitive Ecology II. (Dukas, R. & Ratcliffe, J., Eds.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp 249-271.
1.Laland, K.N., Kendal, J.R. & Kendal, R.L. (2009). Animal culture: problems and solutions. In The Question of Animal Culture. (Laland, K.N. & Galef, B.G.Jr., Eds.) Harvard: Harvard University Press.
Edited Journals Issues
2. Boyette, A., Mathew, S., Asatsa, S., Chimento, M., & Kendal, R.L. (In progress). Diversifying cultural evolution research and application to global futures. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B.
1.Kendal, R.L., Galef, B.G. & van Schaik, C.P. (2010). Capturing Social Learning in Natural Contexts: Methodological Insights and Implications for Culture. Learning & Behavior, 8 (3).
Journal Articles
55. Coelho, C., Garcia-Nisa, I., Ottoni, E., & Kendal, R.L. (2024). Social tolerance and success-biased social learning underlie the cultural transmission of an induced extractive foraging tradition in a wild tool-using primate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(48) e2322884121. [Press Release including video footage]
54. Huang, P., Arlet, M.E., Balasubramaniam, KN., Beisner, B.A., Bliss-Moreau, E., Brent, L.JN., Duboscq, J., García-Nisa, I., Kaburu, S.S.K., Kendal, R.L.,Konečná,M., Marty, P.R., McCowan, B., Micheletta, J., Ostner, J., Schülke, O., Schino, G., Majolo, B. (2024). Relationship between dominance hierarchy steepness and rank-relatedness of benefits in primates. Behavioral Ecology 35:arae066.
53. Watson, R., Morgan, T.J.H., Kendal R.L., Van de Vyver, J., Kendal, J.R. (In Press). Investigating the effects of social information on spite in an online game. Evolutionary Human Sciences 6:e26.
52. Aung, T., Hill, A.K., Pfefferle, D., McLester, E., Fuller, J., Lawrence, J.M., Garcia-Nisa, I., Kendal, R.L., Petersdorf, M., Higham, J.P., Galat, G., Lameira, A.R., Apicella, C.L., Barelli, C., Glenn, M.E., Ramos-Fernandez, G., Puts, D.A. (2023). Group size and mating system predict sex differences in vocal fundamental frequency in anthropoid primates. Nature Communications 14:4069. Press Release
51. Galesic M, Barkoczi D, Berdahl A, Biro D, Carbone G, Giannoccaro I, Goldstone R, Gonzalez C, Kandler A, Kao A, Kendal RL, Kline M, Lee E, Massari GF, Mesoudi A, Olsson H, Pescetelli N, Sloman SJ, Smaldino PE & Stein DL. (2023) Beyond collective intelligence: collective adaptation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 20220736.
50. Garcia-Nisa I, Evans C, Kendal RL. (2023) The influence of task difficulty, social tolerance, and model success on social learning in Barbary macaques. Scientific Reports 13: 1176.
49. Watson R, Morgan TJH, Kendal RL, Van de Vyver J, Kendal J (2021) Social learning strategies and cooperative behaviour: Evidence of payoff bias, but not prestige or conformity, in a social dilemma game. Games 12(4): 89.
48. Rawlings B, Flynn EG, & Kendal RL (2021). Personality predicts innovation and social learning in children: implications for cultural evolution. Developmental Science 25:e13153.
47. Rawlings B, Flynn EG, Freeman H, Reamer L, Schapiro SJ, Lambeth S, & Kendal RL (2020). Sex differences in longitudinal personality stability in chimpanzees. Evolutionary Human Sciences 2, E46.
46. Reindl E, Gwilliams A, Dean L, Kendal RL & Tennie C (2020). Skills and motivations underlying children's cumulative cultural learning: case not closed. Palgrave Communications
45. Gruber T, Luncz L, Moerchen J, Schuppli C, Kendal RL & Hockings K (2019). Cultural change in animals: a flexible behavioural adaptation to human disturbance. Palgrave Communications
44. Kendal, R.L. (2019). Explaining human technology. Nature Human Behaviour 3: 422-423.
43. Watson SK, Vale GL, Hopper LM, Dean LG, Kendal RL, Price EE, Wood LA, Davis SJ, Schapiro SJ, Lambeth SP & Whiten A. (2018). Chimpanzees demonstrate persistent individual differences in social information use. Animal Cognition 21: 639-650.
42. Kendal RL, Boogert NJ, Rendell L, Laland KN, Webster M & Jones PL. (2018). Social Learning Strategies: Bridge-building between fields. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 22(7): 651-665.
41. Evans C, Laland KN, Carpenter M, Kendal RL. (2018). Selective copying of the majority suggests children are broadly ‘optimal-‘ rather than ‘over-‘ imitators. Developmental Science 21:e12637.
40. Vale, G, Flynn, EG., Kendal, JR., Rawlings, B, Hopper LM., Schapiro SJ., Lambeth SP. & Kendal RL. (2017). Testing differential use of payoff-biased social learning strategies in children and chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 1751 [part of a special issue on 'humans as a model for an understanding of biological fundamentals']
39. Rudman H, Bailey-Ross C, Kendal J, Mursic Z, Lloyd A & Kendal RL. (2017). Multidisciplinary exhibit design in a Science Centre: a participatory action research approach. Education Action Research
38. Rawlings, B., Flynn, E. & Kendal, R. (2017). To copy or to innovate? The role of personality and social networks on children's learning strategies. Child Development Perspectives 11(1): 39-44.
37. van Leeuwen, E.J.C., Acerbi, A., Kendal, R.L., Tennie, C. & Haun, D.B.M. (2016). A reappreciation of ‘conformity’. Animal Behaviour 122: e5-e10.
36. Kendal, R.L., Kendal, J.R., Mursic, Z., Bailey-Ross, C., Rudman, H., Lloyd, A. & Ross, B. (2016). Designing for creativity and innovation in informal science learning. Informal Learning Review (137): 20-24.
35. Carr, K., Kendal, R.L. & Flynn, E.G. (2016). Eureka!: What is innovation, how does it develop, and who does it?. Child Development 87(5): 1505-1519.
34. Vale, G., Flynn, E., Pender, L., Price, E., Whiten, A., Lambeth, P., Schapiro, S. & Kendal, R. (2016). Robust retention and transfer of tool construction techniques in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). The Journal of Comparative Psychology 130(1): 24-35.
33. Kendal, RL, Hopper, LM, Whiten, A, Brosnan, SF, Lambeth, SP, Schapiro, SJ & Hoppitt, W (2015). Chimpanzees copy dominant and knowledgeable individuals: Implications for cultural diversity. Evolution and Human Behavior15(1): 65-72.
32. van Leeuwen, E.J.C., Kendal, R.L., Tennie, C. & Haun, D.B.M. (2015). Conformity and its look-a-likes. Animal Behaviour 110: e1-e4.
31. Wood, L., Kendal, R. & Flynn, E. (2015). Does a peer model’s task proficiency influence children’s solution choice and innovation?. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 139: 190-202.
30. Carr, K., Kendal, R.L. & Flynn, E.G. (2015). Imitate or Innovate? Children’s Innovation is Influenced by the Efficacy of Observed Behaviour. Cognition 142: 322-332.
29. Dean, L.G. & Kendal, R.L. (2015). Subjectivity may hinder the application of Kline's teaching framework in comparative contexts. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38: e38.
28. Dean, L., Vale, G.L., Laland, K.N., Flynn, E.G. & Kendal, R.L. (2014). Human cumulative culture: a comparative perspective. Biological Reviews 89(2): 284-301.
27. Hopper LM,, Price SA,, Freeman HD,, Lambeth SP,, Schapiro SJ, & Kendal RL. (2014). Influence of personality, age, sex, and oestrus state on chimpanzee problem-solving success. Animal Cognition 17(4): 835-847.
26. Vale, G.L., Flynn, E.G., Lambeth, S.P., Schapiro, S.J. & Kendal, R.L. (2014). Public information use in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and children (Homo sapiens). The Journal of Comparative Psychology 128(2): 215-223.
25. Wood, L.A., Kendal, R.L. & Flynn, E.G. (2013). Copy you or copy me? The effect of prior personally-acquired, and alternative method, information on imitation. Cognition 127(2): 203-213.
24. Flynn, E.G., Laland, K.N., Kendal, R.L. & Kendal, J.R. (2013). Developmental niche construction. Developmental Science 16(2): 296-313.
23. Wood, L.A., Kendal, R. & Flynn, E.G. (2013). Whom do children copy? Model-based biases in learning. Developmental Review 33(4): 341-356.
22. Wood, L.A., Kendal, R.L. & Flynn, E.G. (2012). Context-dependent model-based biases in cultural transmission: children's imitation is affected by model age over model knowledge state. Evolution and Human Behavior 33(4): 387-394.
21. Vale, G.L., Flynn, E.G. & Kendal, R.L. (2012). Cumulative culture and future thinking: Is mental time travel a prerequisite to cumulative cultural evolution?. Learning and Motivation 43: 220-230.
20. Dean, L.G., Kendal, R.L., Schapiro, S.J., Thierry, B. & Laland, K.N. (2012). Identification of the social and cognitive processes underlying human cumulative culture. Science 335(6072): 1114-1118.
19. Dean, L.G., Hoppitt, W., Laland, K.N. & Kendal, R.L. (2011). Sex ratio affects sex-specific innovation and learning in captive ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata and Varecia rubra). American Journal of Primatology 73(12): 1210-1221.
18. Kendal, R.L., Custance, D., Kendal, J.R., Vale, G., Stoinski, T., Rakotomalala, N.I. & Rasaminanana, H. (2010). Evidence for social learning in wild lemurs (Lemur catta). Learning & Behavior 38(3): 220-234.
17. Kendal, R.L., Galef, B.G. & van Schaik, C.P. (2010). Social learning research outside the laboratory: How and Why?. Learning & Behavior 38(3): 187-194.
16. Kendal, R.L., Kendal, J.R., Hoppitt, W. & Laland, K.N. (2009). Identifying Social Learning in Animal Populations: A New ‘Option-Bias’ Method. PLoS ONE 4(8): e6541.
15. Stanley, E.L., Kendal, R.L., Kendal, J.R., Grounds, S. & Laland, K.N. (2008). Factors affecting the stability of foraging traditions in fishes. Animal Behaviour 75: 565-572.
14. Hoppitt, W., Brown, G.R., Kendal, R.L. , Rendell, L., Thornton, A., Webster, M. & Laland, K.N. (2008). Lessons from animal teaching. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 486-493.
13. Kendal, R.L., Dean, L. & Laland, K.N. (2007). Objectivism should not be a casualty of innovation’s operationalization. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 30(4): 413-414.
12. Kendal, J.R., Kendal, R.L. & Laland, K.N. (2007). Quantifying and modeling social learning processes in monkey populations. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 7(2): 123-138.
11. Kendal, R.L., Coe, R.L. & Laland, K.N. (2005). Age differences in neophilia, exploration, and innovation in family groups of callitrichid monkeys. American Journal of Primatology 66(2): 167-188.
10. Laland, K.N., Coolen, I. & Kendal, R.L. (2005). Defining the Concept of Public Information (Letter: Response from Kevin N. Laland, Isabelle Coolen, and Rachel Kendal). Science 308(5720): 354-355.
9. Kendal, R.L., Coolen, I., van Bergen, Y. & Laland, K.N. (2005). Trade-offs in the adaptive use of social and asocial learning. Advances in the Study of Behavior 35: 333-379.
8. Kendal, R.L., Coolen, I. & Laland, K.N. (2004). The role of conformity in foraging when personal and social information conflict. Behavioral Ecology 15(2): 269-277.
7. Day, R.L., Coolen, I., van Bergen, Y, & Laland, K.N. (2003). Commentary upon article, 'Social Conventions in Wild White-faced Capuchin Monkeys'. Current Anthropology 44: 258-259.
6. Day, R.L., Coe, R.L., Kendal, J.R. & Laland, K.N. (2003). Neophilia, innovation and social learning: A study of intergeneric differences in Callitrichid monkeys. Animal Behaviour 65: 559-571.
5. Day, R.L., Laland, K.N. & Odling-Smee, J. (2003). Rethinking Adaptation: The Niche Construction Perspective. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 46: 80-95.
4. Coolen, I., van Bergen, Y., Day, R.L. & Laland, K.N (2003). Species differences in adaptive use of public information in sticklebacks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 270(1531): 2413-2419.
3. Brown, C. & Day, R.L. (2002). The future of stock enhancements: lessons for hatchery practice from conservation biology. Fish and Fisheries 3: 79-94.
2. Day, R.L., MacDonald, T., Brown, C., Laland, K.N. & Reader, S.M. (2001). Interactions between shoal size and conformity in guppy social foraging. Animal Behaviour 62: 917-925.
1. Day, R.L., Kendal, J.R. & Laland, K.N. (2001). Validating cultural transmission in Cetaceans. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24(2): 330-331.
Magazine Style / Blog Articles
Kendal, R.L. & Lew-Levy, S. (2023). The double-edged sword of formal education for indigenous hunter-gatherers. Thought Leadership article, Durham University.
Kendal, R.L. (2021). New funding opportunities to address hot topics in cultural evolution. This View of Life
Kendal, R.L. (2019). Explaining human technology. Nature Human Behaviour 3: 422-423 (News & Views).
Kendal, R.L. (2014). The human race evolved to be fair for selfish reasons. The Conversation
Kendal, R.L. (2008). Animal ‘Culture Wars’; Evidence from the Wild?. The Psychologist 21: 312-315.
Educational Material
Social Learning Strategies in Animals (lecture) . In Animal Culture: Core Discoveries & New Horizons (Whiten A, Cladiere N, Aplin, L & Kendal RL, eds.). Cultural Evolution Society online learning series
Public Health Information Video 'How to protect yourself from breathing volcanic ash' (2018) For IVHNN and VolFilm
Public Health Information Video 'Fitting a facemask to protect yourself from volcanic ash' (2018) For IVHNN and VolFilm
Experiential film 'Life with ash: accounts from the 2010 Merapi eruption' (2018) For IVHNN and VolFilm
Kendal, J.R., Tehrani, J. & Kendal, R.L. (2009). The evolution of human behaviour. Quick Guide. Triple Sciences Support Programme in association with RCUK
Doctoral Thesis
Day, R.L. (2003). Innovation and social learning in monkeys and fish: Empirical findings and their application to reintroduction techniques. University of Cambridge. PhD.