Instructors /Staff

The Royal Australian Air Force believed in training recruits to high standards instilling in them Service Knowledge, Arms Skills, Drill and Teammanship.

It was the Instructors job to take a bunch of raw recruits and turn them into Airmen.  They were known as Drill Instructors, Course Corporals and a few unsavoury names. 

In the beginning around 1952 when RTU started, they was a Mustering titled "Drill Instructors" then Airfield Defence Guards took over the roll and in later years General Service Instructors were introduced to bring RAAF members out of normal Musterings for a stint as a "GSI"  or as they are known as now "MSI" Military Skills Instructor, on a time rotational posting to 1RTU.   Many other Officer Branches & Musterings served at 1RTU including WOD, Clerk Admin, Clerk Supply, Supplier, Fireman, and PTI to name a few.

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