
Query execution over Linked Data is a challenging topic, especially considering the number and magnitude of datasets on the Web. Experimental observations have shown that SPARQL endpoints are not always the right answer to provide queryable Linked Data, especially when additional measures beyond performance are considered, such as server-side cost. This workshop challenges participants to find new solutions to query data at a Web scale, which are necessary to help Linked Data transition from closed silos to the public Web.

This workshop builds upon the tradition of previous workshops, including the Consuming Open Linked Data (COLD) workshop series, which held its final edition at ISWC2016. We believe there is a need for a workshop specifically focused on the query execution aspects of Linked Data consumption, where research related to query engines can be discussed in depth. Especially with regard to federated query execution, which brings the data integration capabilities of Linked Data to life, there is an urgent need to advance beyond the state of the art. By opening up the workshop to topics such as streams and Big Data, we aim to ensure that all relevant perspectives on querying Linked Data are covered.