

Bearded and 6'4", Quinoa, a highly regarded skateboarder

in his days of youth or whatever, did not go to Ohio State

University for college. He did live in Cleveland for a period

of time and he also lived in the famed Misner Mansion

for some years while living somewhere in the Midwest.

Known for both his medial head and his lateral head calf

muscles, onlookers, friends and lovers alike have often

wondered what Quinoa's vertical leap was in his prime. 

Despite his height and build, Quinoa has a quiet voice

and is not known to laugh in public. Despite being the first

born Phoneix brother, Quinoa is a wallflower. A wallflower

with a long list of lovers and haters. A wallflower with a

big pile of dirty white v-neck t-shirts.  (L. Phoenix)