A What's New at Quilting By-You - Spring 2012 Newsletter

Post date: Apr 16, 2012 4:59:12 PM

Happy Spring Everyone! Whew! It certainly has been a while hasn't it? First of all, we apologize for such a lack of information and goings on at the shop. We had a major mishap with our computer around the Christmas holidays. Our computer acquired a virus and it took WAY too much time and attention away from classes. Unfortunately, we were not able to save everything and of course most of our recent plans for classes were among the things we lost. However, we are happy to announce that we are back on track and ready to jump into spring and all that beautiful sunshine that we hope continues to come our way, not to mention the gorgeous spring color fabric that just seems to make our days brighter!

Be sure to read through the newsletter (it’s a big one this time) as it gives information on not only classes, but holiday and vacation dates and hours! We are working on getting the samples for the classes photographed and will add them to our Facebook and website soon.


Char will be heading out to babysit the grandkids for the week so we will be closed Monday and Thursday evening, April 23 and 26. All other hours remain the same.

Beginning Applique

May 12, 2012 9am – 2pm

Cost $40

Have you struggled with applique? Perhaps been too intimidated to try it? Not sure if the method you’re using is the best for you? If that is the case, this is the class for you! We will cover various applique methods, both machine and hand, including raw edge, buttonhole stitch, needle turn and others. This class has been designed to be beneficial to both beginners and those who are comfortable with their method of applique but would like to try a different method. *

* Take a look at the BOM class listed below. This is a good class to prepare you for creating your center block.

Long Arm Refresher Session

May 21 - May 24 Days: Mon & Th -10:30am–Noon/ Evening: Mon–Th 6pm – 7:30)

Cost $20

Has it been over a year since you have rented time on the machines? Do you have quilts piling up and you are ready to start machine quilting again? We do have a policy that if it has been a year since you last rented time (or taken the Beginning Longarm Class & haven’t rented yet) that you need a refresher class in order to rent time on the machines. We are offering sessions during the week of May 21 - 24. (If you have a conflict and want to get in, please contact us to see if other arrangements can be made.) If you are unsure whether it has been a year or more for you, let us know and we can look that up for you.

Quilts of Valor – Under Our Wings Project

May 26

QBY will be closed all day on the 26th of May to assist with the Mississippi Valley Quilt Guild sponsored Quilts of Valor –Under Our Wings Project. This is a wonderful organization dedicated to distributing quilts to those who are serving or have served our country so honorably. If you are interested in helping with this worthwhile project, be sure to contact us for further information as there are lots of ways to be involved if you are not available to sew quilt tops that day.


Block of the Month (Actually, BORDER of the month this year!)

June 12 – November 13, 2012 - 6pm - 7pm

Cost $60.00 (that’s only $10 per month!)

Something a little different with our block of the month program for this year -a border of the month instead. We will start with an applique center (or a substitute for non-applique people). We will keep it to one border treatment a month and the program will last for 6 months.**

**If you are uncomfortable with applique, take a look at the Beginning Applique class listed above.

Introduction to Paper Piecing

June 16, 2012 9am – noon

Cost $30

Have you seen those delicately paper pieced blocks hanging in shows? Maybe even picked up a pattern because it was just too gorgeous to pass up, only now the method seems a little intimidating and you’re not sure where to start? This will be the class you are looking for. We will cover how to get started with paper piecing and help ease the confusion that comes with starting a new method. If you have a pattern you are unsure of, bring it along and we will give help at the end of the class on your particular project.

Introduction to Hand Piecing

June 30, 2012 9am - 12pm

Cost $30

Have you been curious about hand piecing but weren’t sure how to get started? Do you have a hand piecing project at home and feel like you are out of practice and unsure about finishing it? You may want to register for this class! We will cover the basics on what seems to be a disappearing method of quilting. Feel free to bring any project you are having difficulty with. ***

***English Paper Piecing will not covered at this time, but look for a class in the fall session.


More than Meandering

July 14, 2012 9am - 12pm

Cost $25

Feel like you are getting into a rut with your quilting? Feel that simple stipple meandering is so comfortable that it is getting boring? Register for this class to find some new designs to get you out of your rut and ignite your creativity. This will be a hands-on drawing class with time at the longarm and will be limited to 6 students, so register early! A second session will be added if needed.

Beginning Piecing

No Date Set At This Time

Cost $75

If you are interested in quilting, or have friends interested, this is the starting point. This is our 6-week introduction to quilting/piecing class. The first week covers everything from fabric choices to tools of the trade. You will construct a four block sampler complete with sashings and borders. Methods of quilting and binding are discussed at the last session. We have had interest expressed in this course and we are currently taking names so we can ensure that the dates for the class will work for everyone. If you would like to get your name on this list or have friends who are interested in learning how to quilt, please let us know.

We are also looking for some input from you! As blogs in this technological age are becoming more common we have been contemplating creating one for the shop in conjunction with our website. Of course this means that we would love to post pictures from our classes, quilts that we are quilting for our customers, and of course quilts that you have quilted while the in the shop! However, we wouldn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable so we are looking for feedback from you before we get it fired up.

As always, we will teach a class on anything you are interested in – a minimum of three students are required to schedule.

At this time we would like to introduce our policy regarding classes.

Class Policy:

Ø Pre-registration and payment is required. Class lists will be sent after payment is received

Ø Be sure to mark all of your supplies (rulers, rotary cutters, etc)

Ø Sewing machine must be in good working order

Ø All classes assume student has a working knowledge of their sewing machine. (We do have a few machines at the shop if you are unable to bring yours to class. Please let us know at the time of registration)

Ø Cancellations: We ask that if you are unable to attend a class, you contact us to see if we have a waiting list or see if a friend would like to take your place. A refund will only be given with notification of at least a week or more prior to class.

Remember our daytime hours! If you want to come in for daytime rental, please book ahead as these rental slots fill quickly. Also, Alex will be starting preschool this year (can you believe it?!) so we will be announcing a change in our business hours before the school season starts this fall.

Be sure to check us out on our website (https://sites.google.com/site/quiltingbyyou/), Facebook, and Twitter.