

Persistence of Incumbents and Female Access to Political Positions (2023),  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,206, 327-349.

Wicksell prize for the best paper by a young author at the 2018 European Public Choice Society Conference. A previous version of this paper circulated under the title "Is Incumbency a Barrier to Women's entry in Politics?" Media: RES Media Briefing

Gender and Lawmaking in Times of Quotas (2022),  Journal of Public Economics, 207.

Best Paper by a Young Author at the 2019 Australian Gender Economics WorkshopMedia: Le Monde, PowerToPersuade

Are Gender Quotas on Candidates Bound to be Ineffective? (2021), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 191, 661-678.

Media: Le Monde

From Material to Non-Material Needs? The Evolution of Mate Preferences Through the 20th Century in France (2021), Journal of Economic History, 81 (3), 831-871.

Media: The Guardian

Undoing Gender With Institutions.  Lessons from the German Division and Reunification (2020), first author, with Alexandre Georgieff and Claudia Senik, The Economic Journal, 130 (629), 1445–1470.

Media: Les Echos, RES Newsletter 

Math, Girls and Socialism (2018), with Claudia Senik,  Journal of Comparative Economics, 46(3), 874-888.

Media: Financial Times, Quartz (1), Quartz (2), Alternatives Economiques, La Vie des Idées

Working Papers

The Economic Origins of Vaccine Hesitancy, with Adrien Montalbo

Work in Progress

Conformity and latent preferences in student aspirations, with Y. Algan, R. Benabou and C. Senik 

Gender Differences in Visual Communication in Politics, with I. Astier

Publications in French Peer-Reviewed Journals

Les politiques de quotas en faveur des femmes ont-elles brisé ou surélevé le plafond de verre ? (Do Gender Quotas Break or Raise the Glass Ceiling?), Revue économique, vol. 69, no. 5, 2018, pp. 849-867.

Media: Les Echos, Zeit  

Travail domestique : les couples mono-actifs en font-ils vraiment plus ? (Housework: Do Single-earner Couples Really Do More?), avec Guillaume Allègre, Victor Bart, Laura Castell et Martin Henri, Economie et statistique, n°478-480, 2015. pp. 189-208. 


Les femmes au pouvoir: que change vraiment la parité en politique ? (Women in positions of power: what do gender quotas really change?), Editions Rue d'Ulm, collection du CEPREMAP n°63, 2023

Media: L'Humanité