Papers and technical reports

[ 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

| 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000

| 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 ]


Luís Pires da Silva and Fernando Brito e Abreu, “Model-Driven GUI Generation and Navigation for Android BIS Apps”, proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD’2014), pp. 400-407, SCITEPRESS Digital Library, Lisbon, January 7-9, 2014. [pdf]

Pedro Janeiro Coimbra and Fernando Brito e Abreu, “The Eclipse Java Metamodel: Scaffolding Software Engineering Research on Java Projects with Model-Driven Techniques”, proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD’2014), pp. 392-399, SCITEPRESS Digital Library, Lisbon, January 7-9, 2014. [pdf]

João Caldeira, “A Collaborative Platform for Software Evolution Visualization: Leveraging Meta-model Driven Measurements with Big Data Strengths” (PhD research plan), Fernando Brito e Abreu (supervisor), proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD’2014) Doctoral Consortium, pp. 12-16, SCITEPRESS Digital Library, Lisbon, January 7-9, 2014. [pdf]


Ana Moreira, João Araújo, Jon Whittle, Miguel Goulão, "Using Aspects to Model Volatile Concerns", in Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering, Springer, ISBN 978-642-38639-8, 2013. (in press)

Patrícia Espada, Miguel Goulão and João Araújo, "A Framework to Evaluate Complexity and Completeness of KAOS Goal Models", proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'2013), pp. 562-577, LNCS 7908, Springer, Valencia, Spain, June 17-23, 2013. [pdf | doi]

Catarina Almeida, Miguel Goulão and João Araújo, "A Systematic Comparison of i* Modelling Tools Based on Syntactic and Well-Formedness Rules", proceedings of the 6th International i* (iStar) Workshop, co-located with CAiSE 2013,CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Valencia, Spain, June 17-18, 2013. (pp. 43-48). [pdf][pdf@CEUR]

Ana Isabel Fernandes, Miguel Goulão and Armanda Rodrigues, "A Comparison of Maps Application Programming Interfaces", proceedings of the 16th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, AGILE 2013, Leuven, Belgium, May 14-17, 2013. [pdf | arxiv]

João Araújo, Miguel Goulão, Ana Moreira, Inês Simão, Vasco Amaral and Elisa Baniassad, "Advanced Modularity for Building SPL Feature Models: a Model-Driven Approach", proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Requirements Engineering Track, ACM-SAC 2013, Coimbra, Portugal, March 18-22, 2013.

Marco Roque and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "A Survey of Tool Support for the Animation of IT Services Process Models Execution", proceedings of the Third International Conference on Exploring Service Science (IESS’2013), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 143, pp. 230-245, 7-8 Fevereiro, 2013, Porto, Portugal. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-36355-9. [pdf | doi]


Luís Ferreira da Silva, Fernando Brito e Abreu, and Victor Moreira, "Improving IT Infrastructures Representation: A UML Profile", proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA’2012), 18-23 November, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. Xpert Publishing Services, 2012. [pdf]

Anacleto Correia and Fernando Brito e Abreu, “Adding preciseness to BPMN Models”, proceedings of the 4th Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS’2012), pp. 407-417, 3-5 October 2012, Algarve, Portugal, Procedia Technology (ISSN: 2212-0173), vol.5, Elsevier [pdf | doi]

Ankica Barišić, Pedro Monteiro, Vasco Amaral, Miguel Goulão and Miguel Monteiro, "Patterns for Evaluating Usability of Domain-Specific Languages", proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Programs Conference (PLoP'2012), ACM, October 19-21, 2012. [pre-proceedings]

Ankica Barisic, Vasco Amaral, Miguel Goulão and Bruno Barroca, "Evaluating the Usability of Domain-Specific Languages", in Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages: Recent Developments, IGI Global, 2012. [pre-print]

Luís Ferreira da Silva, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Victor Moreira, "A UML Profile for Modeling IT infrastructures", proceedings of the INFORUM’2012 (sessão de Ciência e Engenharia de Software), João Cachopo (ed.), FCT/UNL, Caparica, Portugal, September 6-7, 2012. [pdf]

Rui Monteiro, João Araújo, Vasco Amaral, Miguel Goulão and Pedro Patrício, "Model-Driven Development for Requirements Engineering: The Case of Goal-Oriented Approaches", proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2012), Lisbon, Portugal, September 3-6, 2012. [pdf | doi]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, proceedings of the Fourth Portuguese Software Engineering Doctoral Symposium (SEDES’2012), in proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC’2012), João Pascoal Faria, Alberto Silva, Ricardo J. Machado (Eds.), IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 978-0-7695-4777-0, pp. 333-370, 2012. [pdf]

Ankica Barisic, Vasco Amaral and Miguel Goulão "Usability Evaluation of Domain-Specific Languages", Simpósio de Estudantes de Doutoramento em Engenharia de Software (SEDES'2012), proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2012), Lisbon, Portugal, September 3-6, 2012. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão, Nelson Fonte, Michel Wermelinger and Fernando Brito e Abreu. "Software Evolution Prediction Using Seasonal Time Analysis: a Comparative Study", proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'2012), pp. 213-222, Szeged, Hungary, March 27-30, 2012. [pdf | data file | doi]


Fernando Brito e Abreu. "The cloud paradigm: Are you tuned for the lyrics?", position paper (invited speaker), in Proceedings of WAMPS’2011, - VII Annual Workshop of MPS.BR, SOFTEX, ISBN: 978-85-99334-31-7 pp. 20-25, Campinas, S. Paulo, Brazil, October 24-28, 2011. [pdf | arxiv]

Anacleto Correia, Fernando Brito e Abreu, Vasco Amaral. "SLAME: A Service Level Agreements Method for Elicitation", Proceedings of CAPSI'2011, Lisbon, Portugal, October 19-21, 2011. [pdf]

Luís Ferreira da Silva, Fernando Brito e Abreu. "Moving to the Cloud: Estimating the Internet Connection Bandwidth", Proceedings of CAPSI'2011, Lisbon, Portugal, October 19-21, 2011. [pdf]

Ankica Barisic, Vasco Amaral, Miguel Goulão and Bruno Barroca. "Quality in Use of Domain Specific Language: a Case Study", Proceedings of the Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU 2011), held at Splash 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 24, 2011. [pdf]

Ankica Barisic, Vasco Amaral, Miguel Goulão and Bruno Barroca. "How to reach a usable DSL? Moving toward a Systematic Evaluation", Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM'2011), held at Models 2011, Wellingnton, New Zealand, October 16-21, 2011. [pdf]

Anacleto Correia, Fernando Brito e Abreu, Vasco Amaral. "SLALOM: a Language for SLA Specification and Monitoring", Proceedings of INFORUM'2011, Coimbra, Portugal - September 8-9, 2011. [pdf]

Tiago Pessoa, Fernando Brito e Abreu, Miguel Pessoa Monteiro, Sérgio Bryton, “An Eclipse Plugin to Support Code Smells Detection”, Proceedings of the INFORUM'2011, Coimbra, Portugal - September 8-9, 2011. [pdf]

Ankica Barisic, Vasco Amaral, Miguel Goulão and Bruno Barroca. "Quality in Use of DSLs: Current Evaluation Methods", Proceedings of the INFORUM'2011, Coimbra, Portugal - September 8-9, 2011. [pdf]

Patrícia Espada, Miguel Goulão and João Araújo. "Measuring Complexity and Completeness of KAOS Goal Models", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Empirical Requirements Engineering (EmpiRE 2011), at the 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2011), Trento, Italy - August 30, 2011. [pdf | doi]

Miguel Goulão, Ana Moreira, João Araújo and João Pedro Santos. "Streamlining scenario modeling with Model-Driven Development: a case study", Proceedings of the Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop (MoDRE 2011), at the 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2011), Trento, Italy - August 29, 2011. [pdf | doi]


Fernando Brito e Abreu, Raquel Porciúncula, Jorge Freitas and José Carlos Costa. "Definition and Validation of Complexity Metrics for ITSM Process Models", Thematic Track on Quality in ICT Service Management, proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC'2010), pp. 79-88, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4241-6. [pdf | doi]

Anacleto Correia and Fernando Brito e Abreu. "Defining and Observing the Compliance of Service Level Agreements: A Model Driven Approach", Thematic Track on Quality in ICT Service Management, proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC'2010), pp. 165-170, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4241-6. [pdf| doi]

Luís Silva and Fernando Brito e Abreu. "An IT Infrastructure Patterns Approach to Improve Service Management Quality", Thematic Track on Quality in ICT Service Management, proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC'2010), pp. 171-176, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4241-6. [pdf | doi]

João Pedro Santos, Ana Moreira, João Araújo and Miguel Goulão, "Increasing Quality in Scenario Modelling with Model-Driven Development", Thematic Track on Quality in Requirements Engineering, proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC'2010), pp. 204-209, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4241-6. [pdf | doi]

Luís Silva, Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Reengineering IT Infrastructures: A Method for Topology Discovery", Thematic Track on Quality in ICT Reengineering and Refactoring, proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC'2010), pp.331-336, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4241-6. [pdf | doi]

Sérgio Bryton, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Miguel Monteiro, "Reducing Subjectivity in Code Smells Detection: Experimenting with the Long Method", Thematic Track on Quality in ICT Reengineering and Refactoring, proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC'2010), pp. 337-342, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd 2010, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4241-6. [pdf | doi]

Américo Rio and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Web Sites Quality: Does It Depend on the Application Domain?", Thematic Track on Quality in Web Engineering, proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC'2010), pp. 493-498, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4241-6. [pdf | doi]

Sérgio Bryton, "Refactoring Process Improvement: Opportunities, Alternatives and Benefits" (PhD research plan), Fernando Brito e Abreu (supervisor), CITI technical report, FCT/UNL, July 2010. [pdf]

Anacleto Correia, "Model-Driven Service Level Management" (PhD research plan), Fernando Brito e Abreu (supervisor), CITI technical report, FCT/UNL, July 2010. [pdf]

Luís Silva, "A Pattern-Based Approach to Scaffold the IT Infrastructure Design Process" (PhD research plan), Fernando Brito e Abreu (supervisor), CITI technical report, FCT/UNL, July 2010. [pdf]

Luís Silva and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Patterns for IT Infrastructure Design", proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP.2010), July 7-11, 2010, Irsee, Germany. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu and Sérgio Bryton, "An Empirical Study on Refactoring Objects to Aspects", proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE'2010), jointly organized with the 48th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns (TOOLS.2010), July 2nd, 2010, Málaga, Spain. [pdf]

Anacleto Correia, Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Model-Driven Service Level Management", in "Mechanisms for Autonomous Management of Networks and Services". Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS'2010), pp. 85-88, Zurich, Switzerland, June 23-25, 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6155, Subseries: Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications, Stiller, Burkhard; De Turck, Filip (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, XIII, 179 p., Softcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-13985-7. [pdf | doi]

Pedro Gabriel, Miguel Goulão and Vasco Amaral. "Do Software Languages Engineers Evaluate their Languages?". Proceedings of the XIII Congreso Iberoamericano en "Software Engineering" (CIbSE'2010), Universidad del Azuay, ISBN-978-9978-325-10-0, Cuenca, Ecuador, April 2010. [pdf]

Arlindo Lima, Miguel Goulão and Miguel Pessoa Monteiro. "Evidence-Based Comparison of Modularity Support Between Java and Object Teams". Proceedings of Empirical Evaluation of Software Composition Techniques (ESCOT 2010), at 9th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'2010), Rennes and Saint Malo, France, 2010. [pdf]


Anacleto Correia and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Integrating IT Service Management within the Enterprise Architecture", proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA.2009), pp. 553-558, 20-24th September, 2009, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3777-1/09. [pdf | doi]

Sérgio Bryton and Fernando & Brito e Abreu, "Strengthening Refactoring: Towards Software Evolution with Quantitative and Experimental Grounds", proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA.2009), pp. 570-575, 20-24th September, 2009, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3777-1/09. [pdf | doi]

Luís Silva and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Exploring and Overcoming Major Challenges in IT Infrastructures Faced by IT Executives., proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA.2009), pp. 576-581, 20-24th September, 2009, Porto, Portugal. IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3777-1/09. [pdf | doi]


Jorge Freitas, Anacleto Correia, and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "An Ontology for IT Services", In Proc. of the 13th Conference on Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD'2008) Gijon, Spain. October, 2008. [pdf], 2008.

Joao Caldeira and Fernando Brito e Abreu ."Influential Factors on Incident Management: Lessons Learned from a Large Sample of Products in Operation". In Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES.2008). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5089 / 2008, editors: Andreas Jedlitschka, Outi Salo, Springer-Verlag, ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), ISBN: 978-3-540-69564-6, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-69566-0. Rome, Italy. June, 2008. [pdf]

Sérgio Bryton. "Modularity-Oriented Refactoring". Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR2008), pp. 294-297, IEEE Computer Society, May, 2008. [pdf]

Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël & Lange, Christian & Houari, Sahraoui & Falcone, Giovanni & Lanza, Michele & Calero, Coral & Brito e Abreu, Fernando, Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering - Report on the 11th Workshop QAOOSE at ECOOP 2007, in ECOOP’2007 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Springer, LNCS, Vol. 4906, Cebulla, Michael (Ed.), ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), ISBN: 978-3-540-78194-3, pp. 166-170, 2008. [pdf | doi]


Sérgio Bryton and Fernando Brito e Abreu. "Towards Paradigm-Independent Software Assessment". 6th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2007), IEEE Computer Society, Lisboa, Portugal, 2007. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu. "Modeling the Experimental Software Engineering Process". 6th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2007), IEEE Computer Society, Lisboa, Portugal, 2007. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu. "An overview of metrics-based approaches to support software components reusability assessment" in Software Quality Measurement: Concepts and Approaches, ICFAI Books, 2007. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Sahraoui Houari, Coral Calero, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Michele Lanza, Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering Report on the WS QAOOSE, in ECOOP’2006 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Vol. 4379, Mario Südholt and Charles Consel (Eds.), ISBN 978-3-540-71772-0, pp.87-96, 2007. [pdf | doi]


Baroni, Aline Lúcia & Calero, Coral & Brito e Abreu, Fernando Piattini, Mario, “Object-Relational Database Metrics Formalization”, proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC'2006), pp. 30-37, IEEE Computer Society Press, Beijing, China, 27-28 October 2006. [pdf | doi]

Coral Calero, Francisco Ruiz, Aline Lúcia Baroni, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Mário Piattini. "An Ontological Approach to Describe the SQL:2003 Object-Relational Features". Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol. 28, issue 6, pp. 695-713, ISSN: 0920-5489, Elsevier. September, 2006. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "On the Influence of Practitioners' Expertise in Component-Based Software Reviews". In Proc. of the 10th ECOOPWorkshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering, QAOOSE'2006, Nantes, France, July, 3-7, 2006. [pdf]

Houari Sahraoui, Coral Calero, Geert Poels, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Michele Lanza, Geert Poels, Fernando Brito e Abreu, Proceedings of the Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’2005) @ ECOOP’2005 Glasgow, Scotland, July 2005. [pdf]


Coral Calero, Francisco Ruiz, Aline Lúcia Baroni, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Mário Piattini. "An Ontological Approach to Describe the SQL:2003 Object-Relational Features". Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces. Currently in press. To appear on vol. 28, issue 4. Elsevier. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão, "Component-Based Software Engineering: a Quantitative Approach". In OOPSLA'2005 Conference Companion, 20th Annual ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications Doctoral Symposium, San Diego, California, October, 2005.

Aline Lúcia Baroni. "Quantitative Assessment of UML Dynamic Models". In Proc. of the Doctoral Symposium of the European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC) and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) (ESEC/FSE 2005), Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2005. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Formal Definition of Metrics Upon the CORBA Component Model". In Quality of Software Architectures and Software Quality, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software Architectures, QoSA 2005 and Second International Workshop on Software Quality, SOQUA 2005, LNCS 3712, Erfurt, Germany, September, 2005. [Metamodel file|pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Coral Calero. "Finding Where to Apply Object-Relational Database Schema Refactorings: An Ontology-Guided Approach ". In Proc. of the X Jornadas Sobre Inginiería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2005), Granada, Spain, September, 2005. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Composition Assessment Metrics for CBSE ". In Proc. of 31st Euromicro Conference, Component-Based Software Engineering Track, Porto, Portugal. August 30th - September 3rd, 2005. [pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni. "Evaluating Design Properties of UML Behavioral Models". In Proc. of the Generative and Tranformationl Techniques on Software Engineering Summer School (GTTSE 2005), Braga, Portugal, July, 2005. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Validação Cruzada de Métricas para Componentes", IEEE Transactions Latin America, ISSN 1548-0992, March 2005 (extended, perfectioned and translated version of "Cross-Validation of a Component Metrics Suite". In Proc. of JISBD'2004, Málaga, Spain. November, 2004) . Selected for publication among those presented in the IX Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD'2004). [html][pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni, Coral Calero, Mário Piattini and Fernando Brito e Abreu. "A Formal Definition for Object-Relational Database Metrics". In Proc. of 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2005), Miami, USA, May, 2005. [pdf]

Marcus Alanen, Jordi Cabot, Miguel Goulão and José Sáez, "Doctoral Symposium". In N. Jardim Nunes, B. Selic, A. Rodrigues da Silva, A. Toval Alvarez (eds.), UML Modeling Languages and Applications. UML 2004 Satellite Activities (Doctoral Symposium), Lisbon, Portugal, October 11-15, 2004.Volume 3297 of LNCS, Springer Verlag. ISBN: 3-540-25081-6. 2005. [pdf]

Brito e Abreu, Fernando & Calero, Coral & Houari, Sahraoui & Poels, Geert, Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’2004 Report), ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), in ECOOP’2004 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Vol. 3344, Springer, Jacques Malenfant and Bjarte M.Ostvold (Eds.), ISBN: 3-540-23988-X, pp. 23-35, 2005.{}


Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Cross-Validation of a Component Metrics Suite". In Proc. of JISBD'2004, Málaga, Spain. November, 2004. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Software Components Evaluation: an Overview". In Proc. of CAPSI'2004, Lisbon, Portugal. November, 2004. [pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Pedro Guerreiro, "Avaliação Quantitativa de Modelos da Dinâmica de Software ". Doctoral Consortium of 5ª CAPSI (5ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação), Lisbon, Portugal. November, 2004. [Slide Show (pps)]

Aline Lúcia Baroni, Coral Calero, Francisco Ruiz and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Formalizing Object-Relational Structural Metrics". In Proc. of 5ª CAPSI (5ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação), Lisbon, Portugal. November, 2004. [pdf | Slide Show (pdf)]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Independent Validation of a Component Metrics Suite". In Proc. of QAOOSE'2004 at the ECOOP'2004, Oslo, Norway. June, 2004. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Formalizing metrics for COTS". In Proc. of the International Workshop on Models and Processes for the Evaluation of COTS Components (MPEC'04) at the ICSE'2004, Edimburgh, Scotland. May, 2004 [pdf].

Miguel Goulão, "Engenharia de Software Baseado em Componentes: uma Abordagem Quantitativa". In Proc. of Simpósio de Estudantes de Doutoramento em Engenharia de Software (SEDES'2004), at 1º Congresso Português de Engenharia de Software, April, 2004. [pdf]


Brito e Abreu, Fernando & Poels, Geert & Sahraoui, Houari & Piattini, Mario, Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’2003 Report), ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), in ECOOP’2003 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Vol. 3013, Springer, Frank Buschmann; Alejandro P. Buchmann; Mariano Cilia (Eds.), ISBN: 3-540-22405-X, pp. 92-106, 2003. {}

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Bridging the gap between Acme and UML 2.0 for CBD". In Proc. of Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems Workshop (SAVCBS'2003) at the ESEC/FSE'2003, Helsinki, Finland. September, 2003. [pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "An OCL-Based Formalization of the MOOSE Metric Suite". In Proc. of QAOOSE'2003, at ECOOP'2003. Darmstadt, Germany. July, 2003. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão, "CBSE: a Quantitative Approach". PhD Workshop at ECOOP' 2003. Darmstadt, Germany. July, 2003. [pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "A Formal Library for Aiding Metrics Extraction". International Workshop on Object-Oriented Re-Engineering at ECOOP'2003. Darmstadt, Germany. July, 2003. [pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni, under orientation of Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc and Hervé Albin-Amiot, "Design Patterns Formalization". Technical report published at the École des Mines de Nantes (Rapoort de Recherche 03/3/INFO). Nantes – France. June, 2003. [pdf]


Miguel Goulão, "Engenharia de Software Baseado em Componentes: uma Abordagem Quantitativa". Technical Report. Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. December, 2002. (in Portuguese) [pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Formalizing Object-Oriented Design Metrics upon the UML Meta-Model". In Proc. of the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Gramado - RS, Brazil. October, 2002. [pdf]

Aline Lúcia Baroni, Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Avoiding the Ambiguity of Quantitative Data Extraction: An Approach to Improve the Quality of Metrics Results". In Proc. of Work in Progress Session at the 28th EUROMICRO Conference, Dortmund, Germany. September, 2002. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Towards a Component Quality Model". In Proc. of Work in Progress Session at the 28th EUROMICRO Conference, Dortmund, Germany. September, 2002. [pdf]

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "The Quest for Software Components Quality". In Proc. of COMPSAC'2002, Oxford, England. August, 2002. [pdf]

Brito e Abreu, Fernando & Poels, Geert & Sahraoui, Houari & Piattini, Mario, Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’2002 Report), ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), in ECOOP’2002 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Vol. 2548, Springer, Juan Hernández; Ana Moreira (Eds.), ISBN: 3-540-00233-2, pp. 147-153, 2002. {}

Miguel Goulão and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "From Objects to Components - A Quantitative Experiment". In Proc. of QAOOSE'2002, Malaga, Spain. June, 2002. [pdf]


Brito e Abreu, Fernando & Poels, Geert & Sahraoui, Houari & Piattini, Mario, Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’2001 Report), ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), in ECOOP’2001 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Vol. 2323, Springer, Akos Frohner (Ed.), ISBN: 3-540-43675-8, pp. 174-183, 2002. {}

Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Using OCL to formalize object oriented metrics definitions". Technical Report ES007/2001. INESC. Portugal. June, 2001. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu and Miguel Goulão, "A Merit-Factor Approach to the Modularization of Object-Oriented Software Systems". L'Objet, Hermes Publisher, 2001. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu and Miguel Goulão, "Coupling and Cohesion as Modularization Drivers: Are we being over-persuaded?", 5th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'2001), IEEE Computer Society Press, Lisboa, Portugal, March 2001.[pdf]


Brito e Abreu, Fernando & Zuse, Horst & Sahraoui, Houari & Melo, Walcélio, Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’2000 Report), ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), in ECOOP’2000 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Vol. 1964, Springer, Malenfant, Jacques; Moisan, Sabine; Moreira, Ana (Eds.), ISBN: 3-540-41513-0, pp. 93-103, 2000. {}

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Gonçalo Pereira and Pedro Sousa, "A Coupling-based Approach to Reengineer the Modularity of Object-Oriented Systems", proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'2000), IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2000, Zurich, Switzerland. [pdf]


Brito e Abreu, Fernando & Sahraoui, Houari & Zuse, Horst & Melo, Walcelio, Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’99 Report), ISSN: ISSN 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), in ECOOP’99 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Vol.1743, Springer, Moreira, Ana; Demeyer, Serge (Eds.), ISBN: 3-540-66954-X, pp. 327-337, 1999. [pdf | doi]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Luís Ochoa and Miguel Goulão, "The GOODLY Design Language for MOOD2 Metrics Collection", proceedings of the International Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering, ECOOP'99, June, 1999, Lisboa, Portugal. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu and Miguel Goulão, "Designing and Coding Object-Oriented Systems: An Introductory Course Experience Report", proceedings of the Workshop on Introducing OO Design and Programming with Special Emphasis on Concrete Examples, ECOOP'99, June, 1999, Lisboa, Portugal. [pdf]

António Silva Monteiro, Miguel Goulão, Fernando Brito e Abreu, Alberto Bigotte de Almeida and Pedro Sousa, "Controlling the Evolution of Legacy Systems: Defect Reporting and Tracking using Internet Technology", Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Software Quality, European Organization for Quality, Vienna, Austria, April 1999. [pdf]

Pedro Sousa, Lurdes Pedro-de-Jesus,Gonçalo Pereira and Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Clustering Relations into Abstract ER Schemas for Database Reverse Engineering", Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'99), IEEE Computer Society, Amsterdam, Holland, March, 1999. [pdf | doi]

António Silva Monteiro, Miguel Afonso Goulão, Fernando Brito e Abreu, Alberto Bigotte de Almeida and Pedro Sousa, "A Software Defect Report and Tracking System in an Intranet", proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'99), IEEE Computer Society, Amsterdam, Holland, March, 1999. [pdf | doi]


Nuno Palmeiro Ribeiro, Alberto Bigotte Almeida, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Pedro Sousa: "Levantamento de Modelos de Dados em Sistemas Legados", Sistemas de Informação, nº9, pp.19-28, Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, ISSN: 0872-7031, 1998 (Selected for publication from QUATIC'98 - revised version). [pdf]

Nuno Palmeiro Ribeiro, Alberto Bigotte de Almeida, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Pedro Sousa: "Levantamento de Modelos de Dados em Sistemas Legados", Proceedings of QUATIC'98 - 3º Encontro Nacional para a Qualidade nas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicações, Guimarães, November de 1998. Selected for publication in Sistemas de Informação, nº9, pp.19-28. [pdf]

Miguel Afonso Goulão, António Silva Monteiro, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Alberto Bigotte de Almeida: "Controlo da Evolução de Sistemas Legados", Sistemas de Informação, nº9, pp. 7-18, 1998. [pdf] (Selected for publication from QUATIC'98)

Miguel Afonso Goulão, António Silva Monteiro, Fernando Brito e Abreu and Alberto Bigotte de Almeida: "Controlo da Evolução de Sistemas Legados", proceedings of QUATIC'98 - 3º Encontro Nacional para a Qualidade nas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicações, Guimarães, November 1998. Selected for publication in Sistemas de Informação, nº9. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu: "Avaliação do Portfolio de Sistemas Legados Usando Modelos de Estimação Algorítmicos", proceedings of QUATIC'98 - 3º Encontro Nacional para a Qualidade nas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicações, Guimarães, Novembro de 1998. [pdf]

Abreu, Fernando Brito : "Padrões Pedagógicos - Um Esquema para a Reutilização da Experiência Pedagógica", actas das 1as Jornadas Pedagógicas, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Lisboa, 28 e 29 de Outubro de 1998.

Isabelle Borne, Fernando Brito e Abreu, Maximo Prieto, Wolfgang De Meuter, "Techniques, Tools and Formalisms for Capturing and Assessing Architectural Quality in Object-Oriented Software", ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), in ECOOP’98 Workshop Reader, LNCS, Vol. 1543, Springer, Demeyer, Serge; Bosch, Jan (Eds.), ISBN: 3-540-65460-7, pp. 44-71, 1998. [pdf | doi]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Jean Sebastien Cuche, "Collecting and Analyzing the MOOD2 Metrics", ECOOP'98 Workshop - Object-Oriented Product Metrics for Software Quality Assessment, Bruxelas, Bélgica, July 1998, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1543, Serge Demeyer & Jan Bosch (Eds.), pp. 258-260, Springer-Verlag.

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Gonçalo Pereira, Pedro Sousa, "Reengineering the Modularity of Object Oriented Systems", ECOOP'98 Workshop - Techniques, Tools and Formalisms for capturing and assessing Architectural Quality in Object-Oriented Software, Bruxelas, Bélgica, July 1998, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1543, Serge Demeyer & Jan Bosch (Eds.), pp. 62-63, Springer-Verlag. [pdf]

Miguel Afonso Goulão, António Silva Monteiro, José Furtado Martins, Fernando Brito e Abreu, Alberto Bigotte de Almeida and Pedro Sousa, "A Software Evolution Experiment", proceedings of the European Software Control and Metrics Conference, Rome, Italy, May, 1998. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Padrões Pedagógicos - um contributo das Tecnologias de Informação para o Ensino", proceedings of the VIII Encontro das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa, Macau, China, April 1998.


Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Quantitative Methods in Object-Oriented Software Engineering", proceedings of the ICSE'97 Doctoral Symposium, Boston, USA., May, 1997.


Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Pedagogical Patterns: Picking the Metaphor from the OO Design Community", Workshop on Pedagogical Patterns, OOPSLA'96, San Jose, Califórnia, USA, October 1996. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Rita Esteves, and Miguel Afonso Goulão, "The Design of Eiffel Programs: Quantitative Evaluation Using the MOOD Metrics", proceedings of TOOLS'96 USA, Santa Barbara, Califórnia, USA., July 1996. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Walcelio Melo, "Evaluating the Impact of Object-Oriented Design on Software Quality", proceedings of the 3rd International Software Metrics Symposium (METRICS'96), pp.90-99, IEEE, Berlin, Germany, March 1996. [pdf]


Fernando Brito e Abreu, Miguel Afonso Goulão and Rita Esteves, "Toward the Design Quality Evaluation of Object-Oriented Software Systems", proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Quality, Austin, Texas, USA, October 1995. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Design Metrics for Object-Oriented Software Systems", Workshop "Quantitative Methods for Object-Oriented Systems Development", ECOOP'95, Aarhus, Denmark, August 1995. [slides pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Quantitative Methods for Object-Oriented Systems", proceedings of the 7th ERCIM Workshop on Object Oriented Databases, Lisbon, May 1995.

Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Métodos Quantitativos na Gestão de Projectos que usam o Paradigma da Orientação a Objectos", Sistemas de Informação, nº3, pp.47-62, Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, ISSN: 0872-7031, 1995. (Selected for publication from OOP'94 - revised version). [pdf]


Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Object-Oriented Software Design Metrics", Workshop "Pragmatic and Theoretical Directions in Object-Oriented Software Metrics", OOPSLA'94, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 1994. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Rogério Carapuça, "Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Measuring and Controlling the Development Process", proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Quality, McLean, Virginia, USA, October 1994. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Métodos Quantitativos na Gestão de Projectos que usam o Paradigma da Orientação a Objectos", proceedings of OOP'94 - Object Oriented Portugal, Lisboa, September 1994. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu, Rogério Carapuça, "Candidate Metrics for Object Oriented Software within a Taxonomy Framework", "Journal of Systems and Software", vol. 26 no.1, pp. 87-96, North-Holland, Elsevier Science, ISSN: 0164-1212, July 1994. [pdf | doi]

Fernando Brito e Abreu and António Pina, "Organizações e Iniciativas Nacionais e Internacionais em Prol da Qualidade no Software", proceedings of QUATIT'94 - 1º Encontro Nacional para a Qualidade nas Tecnologias de Informação e Telecomunicações, Lisboa, May 1994. [pdf]

Fernando Brito and Abreu, "Normalização e Certificação em Engenharia de Software", actas do 1º Encontro Nacional do Colégio de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Lisboa, May 1994. [pdf]

Fernando Brito e Abreu and Lurdes Pereira Jesus, "Experience with the Function Points MkII approach within software development efforts that use Relational Databases", proceedings of ESCOM, Ivrea, Italy, May 1994.

Maria Fernanda Sampaio and Fernando Brito e Abreu, : "Avaliação da Maturidade do Processo de Desenvolvimento de Software", 4ª Conferência do CEMAPRE/ISEG, Fundação Gulbenkian, Lisboa, March 1994.

Fernando Brito e Abreu, "Modelos de Estimação no Planeamento do Desenvolvimento de Software", 4ª Conferência do CEMAPRE/ISEG, Fundação Gulbenkian, Lisboa, March 1994.


Fernando Brito e Abreu, Rogério Carapuça, "Candidate Metrics for Object Oriented Software within a Taxonomy Framework", proceedings of AQUIS'93, Venice, Italy, October 1993. This paper was selected for publishing in "Journal of Systems and Software", vol. 26 no.1, North-Holland, Elsevier Science, July 1994. [pdf]

Fernando Brito Abreu, "Metrics for Object Oriented Software Development", proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software Quality, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, October, 1993.


Fernando Brito e Abreu, "As Métricas na Gestão de Projectos de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação", proceedings of 6ªs Jornadas para a Qualidade no Software, Lisboa, December, 1992. [pdf]