Recent Publications

Relationship Externalities, Journal of Economic Theory, 2022, forthcoming (with Selman Erol).

Network Formation and Systemic Risk, European Economic Review, vol. 148, 2022  (with Selman Erol).

Testing Alone is Insufficient, Review of Economic Design, 26, 1–21, 2022 (with Mallesh Pai, Rahul Deb and Akhil Vohra).

Instability of Centralized Markets, Econometrica, vol. 89(1), 2021 (with Ahmad Peivandi).

Matroidal Approximation of Independence Systems, Operations Research Letters,  Volume 48 (5), 587-593, 2020 (with Sven de Vries).

Go Big or Go Home: A Free and Perfectly Safe but Only Partially Effective Vaccine Can Make Everyone Worse Off, Games & Economic Behavior, Volume 122, 277-289, 2020 (with Eduard Talamas).

Competitive Equilibrium and Trading Networks: A Network Flow Approach,  Operations Research, vol 69(1), 2020, (with Ozan Candogan and Markos Epitropou).

The Value of Sharing Intermittent Spectrum, Management Science, vol. 66 (11), 2020 (with R. Berry, M. Honig, Th\'anh Nguyen and Vijay Subramanian).

Stable Matching with Proportionality Constraints,  Operations Research, 67(6),1503-1782, 2019 (with Thanh Nguyen).

Near Feasible Stable Matchings, American Economic Review, vol. 108 (11), 3154-3169, 2018 (with Thanh Nguyen).