Quantum & Laser Science

Welcome!Postgraduate students, Researchers and Collaborators

Contact: rooi@um.edu.my

Hope you find knowledge, wisdom and insights in this webpage.

Join & support us in our journey through exciting cutting-edge research.

      • What we do

1. We develop theoretical and computational capabilities to study the physics of: a)generation, b) propagation and c) interactions of novel light or photon sources in photonic structures and quantum systems.

2. Some ideas we explore may lead to useful technology. Our study also lead to insights and enhance our understanding of quantum nature of things

3. We also do experiments involving optics and lasers. This includes the interactions of intense laser pulses with matter using femtosecond laser, devise techniques to manipulate and engineer optical properties of materials and surfaces.


1) To conduct state-of-the art research in quantum optics, optical materials and advanced laser science, towards acquiring more profound knowledge of quantum and laser science.

2) To synergize theoretical and experimental research efforts , resulting in practical quantum optical technology and possibly industrial applications.

      • Research Highlights

Quantum Parametric Double Raman Oscillators with Co- and Counter-Propagating Field

Unified master equation for molecules in phonon and radiation baths

Results from our femtosecond laser (QLS lab)

colorful fs laser scattering from bubbles in water

white plasma focused fs laser in the air

Optics with Lasers

Industrial Applications of Femtosecond Laser

Tribute to The Pioneers behind the Theoretical Pillars

Remarkable effects/applications of quantum & laser sciences:

              • Control optical properties of objects using lasers

              • Slowing of light signal down to few meters per second

              • Atomic clock (ultraprecise) for time/frequency standard

              • Nonclassical light for interferometry(gravitational wave detector)

              • Entanglement for quantum computing and communication.

              • Laser spectroscopy for detection of molecular species.

              • Control of atomic/molecular processes with laser pulses.

Quantum physics is the science behind religions, ancient wisdom and mysteries

Thus, our research topics may involve multidisciplinary fields.

All Things have Memories

Be-ing has Identity, Self, Free-Will is Conscious

Not everything can be taught: Experience & Realizations

The problem is: Are they ready to learn

True emptiness is Quantum Vacuum https://web.mit.edu/stclair/www/horai/heart-sk.htm

Advancement & Success of Future Human Civilization will be Measured by the Mastery of Advanced Sciences.....near the End of Mankind

Survival of Humanity is Determined by Collective Wisdom in Balancing S&T with Spiritual Awareness

Subpages (1): Philosophy