Qiyan Ong

Current Positions

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Department of Economics and Business Economics

Nijmegen Institute of Management Research

Radboud University

Adjunct Senior Research Fellow

Social Service Research Centre

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

National University of Singapore


Email: qiyan.ong@ru.nl OR qyong@nus.edu.sg

Research Interests 

Behavioral Economics, Applied Economics, Financial decision-making, Poverty mechanisms and solutions, Social Interventions, 

About Me

My research aims to understand the psychosocial impact of poverty and inequality on decision-making. My research is on the intersection of economics, psychology, and sociology. I use social theories as a guide to understand social phenomena, and then apply rigorous empirical analyses to unpack the links between theory and observed behavior to evaluate existing policies and innovate on policy designs. I believe in research co-creation and in generating research that is translatable to practice. To this end, I work in interdisciplinary teams and in consultation with policymakers and social stakeholders to identify emerging social issues and to translate research evidence to implementable policies and practices.