Grants and Funding

External Funding

2025-2027  General Research Fund #15601024, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong, “The effects of auditory cueing during sleep on generalized phonetic learning: the case of non-native lexical tone learning”, HKD 860,380, role: Co-I (PI: Dr. Caicai Zhang).

2024-2025  Early Career Scheme #26600623, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong, “Adult second-language learners’ consolidation of Cantonese tones during daytime naps: the role of prior knowledge”, HKD 630,000, role: PI.

2023-2024  Multiple-Year Research Grant - General Research Grant (MYRG-GRG), Macau, “Linking production and perception of coarticulated tones: Tone merging in Cantonese”, MOP 170,000, role: Co-PI (PI: Dr. Jingwei Zhang).

2019-2021  The Language Learning Early Career Research Grant (Wiley-Blackwell Publishers), “The effect of overnight consolidation on the generalization across talkers – a case study on Cantonese tones.”, USD 10,000, role: PI.

2016-2018  National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (BCS-1627554), “How native Chinese listeners and second-language Chinese learners process tones in word recognition: An eye-tracking study.”, USD 17,901, role: Co-PI (PI: Dr. Annie Tremblay).

Internal Funding

2023-2026  Seed Funding on the Theme of Aging, Healthcare, and Mental Wellbeing, “The effect of aging on language learning and consolidation: a case study on Cantonese-speaking older adults”, HKD 790,000, role: PI.

2022-2024  Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab (SSC) Fund, “Staying smart by taking a nap”, HKD 500,000, role: PI

2022-2024  Institute for Emerging Market Studies (IEMS) Research Grants, “Language learning by aging populations from emerging markets: an empirical study in China”, HKD 180,000, role: PI.

2021-2022  Post-Doctoral Fellowship Matching Fund, HKD 162,000, role: PI.

2020-2025 New Faculty Start-up Fund, HKD 100,000, role: PI.