ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6117-7809
SLaB Lab: hhttps://slab-lab.github.io
I am an Assistant Professor of Linguistics in the Division of Humanities and the Principal investigator of the Speech, Learning, and the Brain (SLaB) Lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I am also an Associate Director of the Center for Chinese Linguistics and a faculty associate of the Center for Aging Science.
I got my Ph.D degree in Linguistics from the Department of Linguistics, University of Kansas. Prior to joining the faculty at HKUST, I worked as Postdoctoral Researcher at the Research Center for Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
My research
Experimental phonetics, second language (L2) acquisition, and psycholinguistics are my research areas. My research uses behavioral (e.g. eye-tracking) and neural methods to test how lexical prosody (e.g. Chinese tones) is processed by adult L2 learners. I recently started studying sleep-mediated memory consolidation and age-related cognitive decline in learning Chinese tones. The research aims to explain learners’ (in) ability to process non-native prosody across the lifespan from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Recent News
28/06/2024 One of my sleep-tone projects, collaborating with Drs. Caicai Zhang (PI) and Xiaoqing Hu, was funded by GRF.
23/04/2024 I was offered an Early Career Travel Award for the 186th ASA Meeting in Canada.
12/04/2024 Yuqi, one of my MPhil students, was awarded the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. Congrats!
10/04/2024 Our new article about L2/L3 tone perception was published in Second Language Research.
19/03/2024 An interview featuring my sleep and language learning research was published in Hong Kong Wen Wei Po; a link to video
01/03/2024 Three studies from my lab were accepted to the 186th ASA meeting (Ottawa) and the ISLS (HK).
Room 3368, Academic Building
Division of Humanities
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone: +852 2358-7797
Email: hmzqin@ust.hk