Traction Force Microscopy

This package contains ImageJ plugins for the Traction Force Microscopy.


-The first plugin is the iterative PIV by which you can get the displacement field from the bead images.

-The second plugin is the FTTC plugin that is used for reconstruct the force field from the displacement data.

-Both the FTTC and PIV plugins have a plot function that could help you visualize your displacement/force field

Source codes are available upon request. (qztseng /at/ gmail dot com)


Download and install the PIV plugins first.



(It is somehow complicated, please refer to the iterative PIV installation pages for more detailed instruction) :

Short user guide

x coordinate of the data (pixel) | y coordinate of the data (pixel) | x component of the traction force (pascal) | y component of the traction force (pascal) | force magnitude





        Please send comment to Qingzong Tseng (qztseng /at/ gmail dot com).

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