Professional Activities
Invited talks:
2025-05 Invited talk at the Australian National University. (Canberra, Austrilia)
2025-04 Invited talk at Georgia Tech. (Georgia, United States)
2025-03 Invited talk at Géoazur. (Nice, France)
2024-08 Invited talk at the China Earthquake Administration (CEA). (Beijing, China)
2023-11 Invited talk at the ERC TECTONIC / FEAR Seminars. (online, Italy)
2023-03 Invited talk at L'Institut Terre et Environnement de Strasbourg (ITES). (Strasbourg, France)
2022-12 Invited talk at Laboratoire de Géologie de l'ENS. (Paris, France)
2022-08 Invited talk at Tohoku University. (Sendai, Japan)
2022-07 Invited talk at Tokyo Institute of Technology. (Tokyo, Japan)
2022-04 Invited talk at University of Vienna. (Vienna, Austria)
2021-08 Invited plenary talk, GAGE/SAGE Science Workshop. (US)
2021-03 Invited talk at ETH. (Zurich, Swiss)
2020-01 Invited talk at Southern University of Science and Technology. (Shenzhen, China)
2019-11 Invited talk at University of Tokyo. (Tokyo, Japan)
2019-11 Invited talk at NIED. (Tsukuba, Japan)
2019-11 Invited talk at University of Tohoku. (Sendai, Japan)
2019-07 Invited talk at Southern University of Science and Technology. (Shenzhen, China)
2018-12 Invited talk at AGU 2018 fall meeting. (Washington, D.C., US)
2018-12 Fish Seminar Talk at MIT. (Cambridge, US)
2018-05 Invited talk at University of Nanjing. (Nanjing, China)
2018-05 Invited talk at Chinese Earthquake Administration. (Beijing, China)
2018-05 Invited talk at China University of Geosciences. (Beijing, China)
2018-05 Invited talk at University of Science and Technology of China. (Hefei, China)
2018-05 Invited talk at International Conference on Continental Earthquakes. (Chengdu, China)
2018-03 Invited talk at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. (Potsdam, Germany)
Contributed talks:
2024-09 Workshop on Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2024. (Beppu, Japan)
2021-12 AGU 2021 fall meeting. (New Orleans, US)
2019-04 EGU 2019 spring meeting. (Vienna, Austria)
2018-12 Talk at Stanford University. (Stanford, US)
2018-12 Talk at UC Berkeley. (Berkeley, US)
2016-12 AGU 2016 fall meeting. (San Francisco, US)
2025 Seismology and Inverse theory at Université de Strasbourg. (with Serge Sambolian)
2022 Seismic fieldwork at MIT. Cambridge, US
2021 Introduction to seismology at MIT. Cambridge, US
2019 Invited summer school lecture at University of Science and Technology of China. Hefei, China.
2017 Frontier in geophysics at the Université Grenoble Alpes. Grenoble, France.
Outreach and engagement activities:
2025-04 Convener & Chair at EGU, Session: Source physics of earthquakes - fast to slow. (Vienna, Austria)
2025-04 Convener & Chair at EGU, Session: Toward a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes. (Vienna, Austria)
2025-04 Convener & Chair at EGU, Session: Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry. (Vienna, Austria)
2024-04 Convener & Chair at EGU, Session: Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry. (Vienna, Austria)
2024-04 Convener & Chair at EGU, Session: Source physics of earthquakes and insights into slow-to-fast earthquakes. (Vienna, Austria)
2023-04 Convener & Chair at EGU, Session: Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry. (Vienna, Austria)
2023-04 Convener & Chair at EGU, Session: Toward a comprehensive understanding of slow earthquakes. (Vienna, Austria)
2022-05 Convener & Chair at EGU, Session: Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry. (Vienna, Austria)
2022-04 Convener at SSA, Session: What Controls the Style of Fault Slip in Subduction Zones? (Seattle, US)
2022 Coordinator of FISH-seminar at MIT-ERL.
2021-04 Convener & Chair at EGU , Session: Ambient Seismic Noise & Seismic Interferometry. (Vienna, Austria)
2021 Coordinator of FISH-seminar at MIT-ERL.
Reviewer for Journals including:
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth; Geophysical Journal International; Earth, Planets and Space; Geophysical Research Letters; Scientific Reports, etc.