
Entropy dissipation for underdamped Langevin dynamics

It is of particular interest to study the convergence to equilibrium phenomenon and the explicit convergence rate for degenerate diffusion process. This convergence is perfectly reflected through the Kullback-Leibler-divergence (relative entropy), which measures the distance of two probability distributions. It is equivalent to study the Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for the desired KL-divergence associated with the stochastic process. The study of the sub-Riemannian Ricci curvature tensor plays a crucial role here. We introduce new angles to define the sub-Riemannian Ricci curvature tensor by using the smallest eigenvalues of certain matrices, which enables us to study the convergence rate in more general settings. Our new methods can be applied to study the LSI for  weakly self-consistent Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equations, oscillator chain models with nearest-neighbor couplingsdisplacement group, etc. (Left: smallest eigen value for variable diffusion Langevin dynamics with specific choice of U and r)

Non-convex learning for big data.

Replica exchange-Monte Carlo is an important technique for accelerating the convergence of the conventional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. The red chain with high temperature is for exploration of the entire domain, while the blue chain with lower temperature is for exploitation in local region. By swapping the two chains, we aim to find the global minimizer or  conduct multi-modal distribution sampling. We apply the algorithm in image classification and uncertainty quantification.  My other algorithms involve multiple chain Langevin dynamics and Langevin dynamics on manifolds. 

Numerical solutions for Path Dependent PDE and option pricing.

Cubature measrue is constructed to approximate the Wiener measure. The linear path (left) are used to construct the Cubature measure of the Volterra SDE (above) (X,V) by using the Volterra signature. We can numerically compute E[X_T] by using the deterministic paths (left), which approximates the solution of a path-dependent PDE(PPDE).

Deep Signature Forward Backward SDE Algorithm

The truncated signature of a p-variation path at order [p] essentially determines the information of the whole path. The big advantage of this signature method is that this method is not sensitive to the time discretization and could work for large time horizon or high frequency data. We combine the signature method with Deep Neural Network to study state and path dependent FBSDEs. (I.E. parobolic PDE or path-dependent PDE.) We apply our algorithm in European and American option pricing problem.

Horizontal Brownian Motion Paths on Heisenberg group

Left is the horizontal Brownian motion paths on Heisenberg group. One interesting question is to study the quasi-invariance of the horizontal Wiener measure (distribution of the horizontal Brownian motion paths) on sub-Riemannian manifold.  We show the quasi-invariance of the horizontal Wiener Measure on totally geodesic foliations (e.g., Hopf fibration). My other work extends to stochastic and geometric analysis on sub-Riemannian manifold.

Hopf Fibration from Wiki

Example: totally geodesic foliation.

Below, I list my research by areas.

Mathematical finance and Machine Learning

(With Erhan Bayraktar, Zhaoyu Zhang). Preprint. arXiv: 2211.11691.

(With Man Luo and Zhaoyu Zhang).  Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization. (Accepted). 

(With Jianfeng Zhang). SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. (Revision)

           (Wei Deng*, Qian Zhang*, Qi Feng*, Faming Liang, Guang Lin). 

Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.(Accepted) (2023)

(Wei  Deng,  Qi Feng,  Georgios karagiannis, Guang Lin, Faming Liang.).

Ninth International Conference on Learning Representations. (ICLR, 2021).  

 (Wei Deng,  Qi Feng,  Liyao Gao,  Faming Liang ,  Guang Lin).  

37th International Conference on Machine Learning,Vienna. (ICML, 2020).

 (With Zhenyu Cui, Ruimeng Hu, and Bin Zou). Operations Research Letters

(With Jin Ma).Preprint.

(With Fabrice Baudoin, Cheng Ouyang). Preprint.

(With Wuchen Li, Rongjie Lai). Preprint.

Entropy dissipation  and Sub-Riemannian geometry.

(With Erhan Bayraktar, and Wuchen Li). Preprint. arXiv: 2204.1209.

(With Wuchen  Li). arXiv: 2102:00544. 

 (With Wuchen  Li). arXiv: 2004.01863.

 (2019).  (With Wuchen Li). arXiv: 1910.07480


Rough paths theory and stochastic PDEs.

          (With Fabrice Baudoin and Cheng Ouyang).  Transactions of the AMS. 2020.

(With Samy Tindel).  Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics. pp 117-138. Progress in Probability, vol 72. Birkhäuser, Cham

 (With Xuejing  Zhang). Journal of Stochastic Analysis, 1(2) , 4. (2020)

Stochastic differential geometry.

(With Fabrice Baudoin). arXiv:1503.08180.              

Ph.D Dissertation:  "Topics in Stochastic Analysis and Riemannian Foliations" (2018). Doctoral Dissertations. 1781.