Qing Gong (宫晴)
Department of Economics
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Gardner Hall 201
Chapel Hill, NC
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018 - present
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 2018
M.A., Economics, Peking University, 2012
B.A., Economics, Peking University, 2010
Polluting Thy Neighbor: Unintended Consequences of China's Pollution Reduction Mandates, with Hongbin Cai and Yuyu Chen. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2016, 76(3).
Detecting Potential Overbilling in Medicare Reimbursement via Hours Worked, with Hanming Fang. American Economic Review, 2017, 107(2). Online Appendix
Detecting Potential Overbilling in Medicare Reimbursement via Hours Worked: Reply, with Hanming Fang. American Economic Review, 2020, 110(12). Online Appendix
The Impact of Multimorbidity on Labor Force Participation Among the Middle-Aged and Older Working Population in the United States, with Zhang Zhang, Donna Gilleskie, Jeremy G Moulton, Sean Y Sylvia. Journal of Gerontology, 2024, 79(10).
Gender Composition in the Work Environment and Physician Income: Evidence from Longitudinal Data, with Xiaochu Hu. BMC Human Resources for Health, 2024, 22:81.
Spending Changes After Moving to Areas With Greater ACO Participation Among Nonattributed Medicare Beneficiaries, with Yucheng Hou, Marisa E. Domino, Valerie A. Lewis, Kevin Callison, Justin G. Trogdon. JAMA Network Open, 2025, 8(2):e2458311.
Working Papers
Physician Learning and Treatment Choices: Evidence from Brain Aneurysms.
Retention Effects of Employee Stock Options: Evidence from Bunching at Vesting Dates, with Hong Zhang and Li-An Zhou.
Ex Post Moral Hazard in Automobile Insurance Markets with Experience Rating.
Medicare on the Back Burner? Provider Labor Supply Responses to ACA-Driven Changes in Patient Payer Mix, with Min He, Lin Lin, and Bo Wang. New draft coming soon.
Financial Incentives and Inpatient Care: Evidence from a Randomized Physician Remuneration Reform, with Li Li and Xin Zhao. New draft coming soon.
Work in Progress
"Sorting, Upcoding, and the Elusive Learning Curve: The Case of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts,” with Hanming Fang
"Physician Learning and Experimentation Under Uncertainty: Evidence from the Early Months of COVID-19," with Xin Zhao
“Medical debt and access to hospital care,” with Katsuhiko Nishiyama
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