

Qeco is a statistical software for analysis of ecological data. It has a simple and user-friendly interface that makes the difference in the experience of data analysis. It implements state-of-the-art statistical and quantitative ecological methods. The principal characteristic that makes it different is that it not only merges the best of the ease-to-use menu-driven software with the power of R, but that it can growth according to the needs and knowledge of the users. This is possible because Qeco creates an interface that allows the users to add new menus and menus items according to her/his needs including helps and test data. The ecological community will benefit from the collaborative efforts of its members which will make, Qeco, their main companion for data analysis and interpretation.

Development team and motivation

Qeco is the initiative of an international team having a long and diverse experience in applied statistics and software development (InfoStat, FDiversity, Runner, fgStatistics). Part of this team was recently developing an integrated tool for the calculation of functional diversity indices (FDiversity) and we realize that ecologist are very prolific in developing quantitative-statistical ideas and also very demanding of new and integrated methods. Most of them use R as software developing tool which in turns produce a huge amount of ad hoc scripts and packages that are not integrated, are difficult to use, are disperse on a range of different repositories and at the end this means a lack of productivity. The purpose of Qeco is to give a standardized container of R applications that will be the core of an ease to use and productive statistical application.

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