Day 2 - Vector Algebra and Calculus

Day 2 - Vector Algebra and Calculus

It is difficult to escape vector algebra and calculus in engineering calculations. We will look at some of these topics through engineering examples. As a student many of these topics are covered in the first year except for matrices.

Many of the calculations encountered in the topics below are usually done through pen/paper or higher-end graphing calculators. Using Python also for the calculations in any of your engineering courses allows the review of the mathematics in two ways:

Students apply mathematics to Problem Solving traditionally by working it out on paper and calculator

Students again implement the mathematics in Python.

This one-two punch will help analytical thinking and consistency. In fact, they can go further by taking part in What If? Scenarios and creating graphics for better understanding.

The slides are in the link below

This is a hands-on session. All of you should be writing your own code
