
If you want any part of your program to display what you have coded you need to use the print command

To print a single line of text

print("You now have")

This would display as


You now have


Note you must keep text within speech marks

To print a numbers


This would display as




To print many lines of text


Once upon a time

A spider crawled along the ground


This would display as


Once upon a time

A spider crawled along the ground


Note you must enclose the text with three speech marks """ or three ''' single quote marks

Print text and a variable

hitpoints = 6

print("You have",hitpoints,"hit points.")

This would display as


You have 6 hit points.


Printing single items in a list

Debugging print problems

Make sure you have speechmarks around all text and commas to separate text and variables

You can use quote ' marks instead of speechmarks but don't mix both types