
Can a computer program write or adapt good poetry?

Before you start this module look at this pdf document

outlining the thinking behind the project

Pupil response sheet to go with slide 6 is here

In this module we will be writing code to adapt a poem written by Kenn Nesbitt

You can copy code and paste it into Python to save time.

If you read the challenge and don't understand it then watch a video.

Don't ask for help until you have read it and attempted a solution.

If you run your code and it comes up with errors then work through the DEBUG

If you successfully debug your code make sure you fill in a DEBUG sticker.

Work at your own pace. If you finish a challenge go onto the next one.

This module is adapted from a poem by Kenn Nesbitt called Mashed Potatoes On the Ceiling with his kind permission.

You can read the excellent original here.

Copyright © 2001 Kenn Nesbitt

All Rights Reserved

From www.poetry4kids.com