Adventure Choice

In this section we ask the user to make a choice

If they choose one selection one set of consequences will happen.

Else they choose the other selection another set of consequences will happen.

print("You spot a fierce rat in the center of the tunnel")

event1 = input("Press s to sneak by. Press t to throw stone at it")

if event1 == ("s"):

print("Carefully you edge past")


print("You throw a stone at the rat and it runs off")

#Set up the encounter

#User makes choice, leaves it inside #variable called event1.

#If event1 is same as s then it will #print Carefully you edge past

#Else any other letter is put inside #event1 variable then print You throw #a stone at the rat and it runs off.

I have purposely avoided detailed descriptions in this example so that it is easy to

understand. In your game I recommend that you make your descriptions detailed

to entice the player to continue reading/playing.

I also recommend that you use some sleep(3.0) commands to pause between print

commands in the same pathway for effect.

for example

if event1 == ("s"):

print("Carefully you edge past")


print("The rat turns its head towards you")

#2 second pause allows #for tension to build up