StarTracker VR on Gear VR

Post date: Jan 27, 2018 9:2:3 PM

StarTracker VR support Gear VR now!

Get it from Oculus store.


Best VR StarGazing experience to Explore the Universe! Planetarium for astronomy fans!

Just put on Gear VR to dive into the universe!

It shows an unique VR experience which you have never experienced before, we call this enhanced VR.

Normal VR just maps reallife 3D environments into VR world. Yes, you can experience the place you have never been there before, but we go forward to show enhanced VR environment. We map 3D Star Field into a sphere surface, and then look from outside into the sphere ball. You can image all near objects that will move much faster than a normal 3D mapping, finally this will give you an enhanced VR experience which is super awesome.

Try it out and tell us your feeling, we'd like to have more comment to improve the experience!


Swipe left/right on touchpad to zoom, up/down on touchpad to switch mode.


Please move head around slowly.