Loewenfeld Lecture

The Eighth Loewenfeld Lecture

"Genetic determinants of the pupil in health & disease"

presented by Fion Bremner, PhD.

Fion Bremner is a consultant Neuro-ophthalmologist working at the National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery ('Queen Square'), University College Hospital, and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London. He trained at Moorfields Eye Hospital with Fellowships at Moorfields and Queen Square. His research interests include pupil abnormalities in autonomic disorders & OCT in neurodegenerative diseases. He is currently Secretary of the European Neuro-ophthalmology Society (EUNOS).


This series of Lectures was proposed in 1997 (Point Clear Alabama) by Prof. Dr. Stanley Thompson to be delivered by an expert in the field at the biannual International Pupil Colloquium to the honour of Irene Loewenfeld.

"In recognition of Dr. Irene Loewenfeld's distinguished scientific position in the physiology of the pupil, and in commemoration of her valuable services to The Pupil Colloquium - to which she has been a vigorous contributor since the first meeting in 1961, personally hosting the meeting on three separate occasions (1963, 1973 and 1991); the leaders of the Colloquium shall at each meeting, or periodically, nominate some person to deliver a lecture before the group, to be called "The Loewenfeld Lecture", which shall consist of a critical résumé of recent advances in knowledge of the pupil of the eye and its functioning, or of any related original investigation, and shall be delivered at the regular meeting of The Pupil Colloquium."

Previous Lectures

First Loewenfeld Lecture (Nottingham, 1999)

H. Stanley Thompson, MD “Words for the Pupil of the Eye” and “The Pupil and Vision”

Second Loewenfeld Lecture (Pacific Grove, California, 2001)

John L. Barbur, PhD "Learning from the pupil - studies of basic mechanisms and clinical applications"

Third Loewenfeld Lecture (Kolimpari, Crete, 2003)

Randy Kardon MD PhD "The Pupil Light Reflex in Disorders of the Visual Pathway"

Fourth Loewenfeld Lecture (New York, 2005)

Michael Koss MD PhD "Adrenergic Receptors and Pupillary Function"

Fifth Loewenfeld Lecture (Hamamatsu 2007)

Elemer Szabadi, MD PhD “The integrated control of arousal and pupil function: Role of the noradrenergic locus coeruleus”

Sixth Loewenfeld Lecture (Pittsburgh 2009)

Paul Gamlin PhD “A Novel Population of Retinal Ganglion Cells Drive Primate Pupillary Responses”

Seventh Loewenfeld Lecture (Tübingen, 2011)

Barbara MD, PhD and Helmut Wilhelm MD, PhD

B. Wilhelm “Spontaneous Pupillary Oscillations reflect the Level of Alertness”

H. Wilhelm “Mysteries of the pupillary pathway”