Welcome to the Walt Disney Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization web page! Parents and guardians are encouraged to get involved with PTO. We provide support for teachers and school administration in and out of the classrooms. We care about creating the best possible educational experience for our children. Get involved with our school by attending PTO meetings and volunteering your time and talent by helping out with various activities throughout the school year!

The Walt Disney PTO Mission Statement

The Walt Disney PTO is a partnership between home and school. The PTO is made up of interested parents, guardians, teachers, and staff. Our meetings offer an opportunity for you to become involved with your child's school. Our meetings also enable you to get to know our Principal and discuss any questions or concerns. Please try to reserve just one hour bi-monthly during the school year and join us at our meetings. Without your support, the PTO could not provide all the special extras that our children deserve. Our programs enhance the students' curriculum with guest authors, publications, special assembly programs, family nights, class trips, T-shirts for various functions, treats, and much more. Please watch for our flyers in Backpack Thursday. We hope that you will join our PTO and take advantage of the opportunities the PTO offers for you to get involved at your child's school. Without your volunteer support, we would not be able to hold many of our events.

We looking forward to seeing you at our PTO meetings​!