
The images are not to the same scale. Click on each plate to enlarge.

FIGS 1-7. General morphology of Pteromalidae: 1. Pteromalus elevatus (Walker), female, head in frontal view; 2. Idem, head in posterior view; 3. Idem, head in dorsal view; 4. Idem, mesosoma in dorsal view; 5. Idem, mesosoma in lateral view; 6. Halticoptera andriescui Mitroiu, detail of posterior part of scutellum, metanotum and propodeum; 7. P. elevatus, female, metasoma in lateral view. (ao = anterior ocellus; ax = axilla; axi = axillula; bf = basal fovea; ca = callus; ce = compound eye; cl = clypeus; c1-c3 = coxae 1-3; do = dorsellum; el = eye length; fa = face; far = frenal area; fl = frenal line; fm = foramen magnum; fr = frons; ge = gena; hca = hypostomal carina; hp = hypopygium; hy = hypostome; ltb = lower tentorial bridge; ma = mandibles; mar = median area; mc = median carina; mes = mesosternum; met = metanotum; mlc = maxillo-labial complex; mp = mesepimeron; mpl = metapleura; ms = malar sulcus; msp = mesepisternum; mspa = malar space; nu = nucha; occ = occiput; of = oral fosa; OOL = oculo-ocellar line; ovi = ovipositor; pc = pronotal colar; pe = petiole; pge = postegena; pl = plica; pn = pronotal neck; po = posterior ocellus; pocc = postocciput; POL = postocellar line; pr = propleura; pre = prepectus; pro = propodeum; sc = scutellum; sp = spiraculum; sps = spiracular sulcus; te = temple; teg = tegula; tel = temple length; to = torulus; t1-t7 = gastral tergites 1-7; utb = upper tentorial bridge)

FIGS 8-31. Pteromalid head capsule in frontal view (10-23) and in posterior view (24-31): 8. Asaphes suspensus (Nees), female; 9. Spalangia fuscipes Nees, male; 10. Pteromalus elevatus (Walker), female; 11. Notanisus versicolor Walker, male; 12. Systasis encyrtoides Walker, female; 13. Herbertia wallacei Burks, female; 14. Macroglenes penetrans (Kirby), male; 15. M. penetrans, female; 16. Halticoptera andriescui Mitroiu, male; 17. Eunotus cretaceus Walker, female; 18. Dipara petiolata Walker, male; 19. Colotrechnus viridis (Masi), female; 20. Miscogaster hortensis Walker, female; 21. Sphegigaster nigricornis (Nees), female; 22. M. hortensis, detail of the clypeus; 23. S. nigricornis, detail of the clypeus; 24. A. suspensus, female; 25. S. fuscipes, male; 26. P. elevatus, female; 27. N. versicolor, male; 28. S. encyrtoides, female; 29. H. wallacei, female; 30. M. penetrans, female; 31. E. cretaceus, male. (pgb = postgenal bridge; pos = primary occipital suture; oc = occipital carina)

FIGS 32-49. Pteromalid head capsule in posterior view (32-34), mesosoma in dorsal view (35-47), and petiole and first gastral tergites in dorsal view (48-49): 32. D. petiolata, male; 33. C. viridis, female; 34. M. hortensis, male. 35. A. suspensus, female; 36. S. fuscipes, male; 37. P. elevatus, female; 38. N. versicolor, male; 39. S. encyrtoides, female; 40. H. wallacei, female; 41. M. penetrans, female; 42. H. andriescui, male; 43. E. cretaceus, female; 44. D. petiolata, male; 45. C. viridis, female; 46. M. hortensis, female; 47. S. nigricornis, female; 48. A. suspensus, female; 49. S. fuscipes, male. (hyb = hypostomal bridge; ml = middle lobe; no = notaulus; sc = scapula or lateral lobe)

FIGS 50-63. Petiole and first gastral tergites in dorsal view (50-59), and other aspects of morphology (60-63): 50. P. elevatus, female; 51. N. versicolor, male; 52. M. penetrans, female; 53. H. wallacei, female; 54. H. andriescui, male; 55. E. cretaceus, female, whole metasoma; 56. D. petiolata, male; 57. C. viridis, female; 58. S. encyrtoides, female (not to the same scale); 59. Sphegigaster nigricornis, female, petiole in dorsal view; 60. Conomorium amplum (Walker), female, head and anterior part of mesosoma in dorsal view; 61. Scutellista obscura (Förster), female in lateral view; 62. Leptomeraporus nicaee (Walker), male, head in lateral view; 63. idem, head in frontal view. (sc = scutellum)