
I have been a subject tutor in the following courses:

- Macroeconomic Theory (UG 2nd Year): Spring 2013/14, Spring 2014/15

- Econometrics I (UG 2nd Year): Fall 2013, Fall 2013/14, Fall 2014/15

- Economics Dissertation (UG 3rd Year): Spring 2013/14, Spring 2014/15, Fall 2014/15

- Stata/EViews Clinics (UG 3rd Year): Spring 2013/14, Spring 2014/15, Spring 2015/16

If you are a final-year undergraduate student in Economics at the University of Nottingham and need some help with Stata or EViews, the University offers support in the form of one-to-one appointments. Bookings are taken through a dedicated website created by a couple of PhD students:

Stata/EViews Clinics