This page hosts a range of resources to enrich the experience of using the book.
General resources
This GitHub repository contains Matlab code to perform selected calculations from the book. Readers interested in seeing numerical implementations of the equations, or extending these calculations for other uses, may find this repository useful.
Introductory videos
We have recorded a series of short videos introducing basic concepts from the first half of the book at this link.
Identified errata in the 1st Edition.
Community collaboration in Slack
We have established the slack channel in order to provide a community forum for knowledge sharing related to specifics of the book and more generally the topics of seismic hazard and risk analysis. If you would like to join please select this link.
Chapter-specific resources
This GitHub repository contains Matlab functions for a number of popular Ground Motion Models (as discussed in Chapter 4 of the book). The functions have been formatted to use consistent inputs and outputs, so that models can easily be exchanged, or used together in a logic tree. Further documentation of these functions can be found in the following report:
Mongold and Baker (2021). "A software repository of Ground Motion Models.” Blume Earthquake Engineering Center Technical Report 207.
Seismic Hazard Analysis videos (Chapter 6)
Videos covering content from this chapter:
Seismic Risk Metrics videos (Chapter 9)
This GitHub repository contains Matlab functions for a number of popular Ground Motion Models
Introductory probability videos (Appendix A)
The following videos cover content provided in Appendix A, for readers interested in additional background material on this topic.
Set theory:
Total probability theorem:
Random variables:
Joint distributions:
Moments and expectations:
The normal distribution:
The bivariate normal distribution:
The multivariate normal distribution:
Statistical modeling resources (Appendix B)
The following resources support statistical modeling calculations described in Appendix B, for readers interested in additional background material on this topic.
Data and code reproducing the IM correlation calculations of Section B.7
Video describing the fragility function fitting concepts of Section B.8