Our Mission

Mission Statement

Our mission is to generate electricity continuously without using oil, gas, wind, water, solar or nuclear as the driving source.

Company Goals and Objectives:

Our goal is to be the first and only organization to power up residential homes, hotels, apartments, shopping malls, office buildings, streets, industrial buildings and in future, cars and airplane without the use of fuel. We believe it will revolutionize the energy market and be worth billions of dollars. As electricity bills and oil are rapidly increasing in the current climate, our objective is to introduce Zero-Electricity-Bill to the world.

Business Philosophy: Electricity Revolution

Mark Zuckerberg revolutionized social networks with the creation of Facebook. Conversely, we strongly believe this product will revolutionize the energy industry. This product is new to the market and expansion will be overwhelming. Our targets include developers that build hotels, office, shopping malls, streets and energy saving companies that build industries and even home owners who do not want to pay bills anymore, especially the rich luxurious home owners. We have come to a stage where global climate is always an issue. With engineering additions, Project Infinity® can help reduce pollution. Project Infinity® is the generating of electricity without the use of oil, gas, solar, water, nuclear and battery as the driving source like what we see currently. In Youtube, people have demonstrated electricity production by means of solar energy but this is limited to only during sunny days. Meanwhile, the use of cycling generator to produce electrical output with physical strength or by using natural gas as a replacement of petrol, do not guarantee continuous energy. Here, Project Infinity® stands alone in a class of its own. In essence, Project Infinity® is a box of generator sitting on the roof top of private homes, hotels, office buildings or in the generator room that sits in the basement or power sub-station house. So nothing can compare to Project Infinity®. So how can it not succeed if nothing can compete with what Project Infinity® has to offer?