Published and Forthcoming Papers

Disagreement point axioms and the egalitarian bargaining solution (2011), International Journal of Game Theory, 40, 63-85.

A characterization of the Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution by disagreement point monotonicity (2011), International Journal of Game Theory40, 691-696.

Gradual negotiations and proportional solutions (2012), Operations Research Letters, 40, 459-461.

Bribing in first-price auctions (2013), Games and Economic Behavior, 77, 214-228.

Cooperative bargaining: independence and monotonicity imply disagreement (2013), Economics Letters, 118,  240-242.

Endogenous bid rotation in repeated auctions (2013),  Journal of Economic Theory, 148, 1714-1725.

Bribing in first-price auctions: Corrigendum (2013),  Games and Economic Behavior87, 616-618, with Maciej Kotowski.

Randomized dictatorship and the Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution (2014), Theory and Decision, 76, 173-177.

First-best collusion without communication (2014), Games and Economic Behavior, 83, p. 224-230.

Efficiency-free characterizations of the Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution (2014), Operations Research Letters, 42, 246-249.

Bridging the gap between the Nash and Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solutions (2014), Contributions to Game Theory and Management, vol. 7, 300-312.  (Editors: L.Petrosyan, N.Zenkevich)

The Nash solution is more utilitarian than egalitarian (2015), Theory and Decision, 79, 463-478.

A characterization of the asymmetric Nash solution (2015), Review of Economic Design, 19, 167-171.

Nash bargaining with (almost) no rationality (2015), Mathematical Social Sciences, 76, 107-109.

Bribing in second-price auctions (2015),  Games and Economic Behavior, 92, 191-205.

Egalitarian-utilitarian bounds in Nash’s bargaining problem (2016), Theory and Decision, 80, 427-442.

Weighted randomized dictatorship and the asymmetric Nash solution (2016), Economics Letters, 143, 1-4.

Symmetry and approximate equilibria in games with countably many players (2016), International Journal of Game Theory, 45, 709-717.

Approximate equilibria in strongly symmetric games (2016), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 66, 52-57.

Social objectives in general equilibrium (2016), Economics Letters, 148, 99-102.

Duality, area-considerations, and the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution (2017), Operations Research Letters, 45, 30-33, with Emin Karagözoğlu.

Punishing greediness in divide-the-dollar games (2017), Theory and Decision, 82, 341-351.

Axiomatizations of the equal-loss and weighted equal-loss bargaining solutions (2017),  Social Choice and Welfare, 49, 1-9.

A generalization of the Egalitarian and the Kalai–Smorodinsky bargaining solutions (2018), International Journal of Game Theory, 47, 1169-1182, with Dominik Karos and Nozomu Muto.

Implementing egalitarianism in a class of Nash demand games (2018), Theory and Decision, 85, 495-508, with Emin Karagözoğlu.

The strategist and the tactician (2018), Journal of Economic behavior & Organization, 155, 427-434.

Folk theorems in a bargaining game with endogenous protocol (2019), Theory and Decision, 86, 389-399.

Egalitarianism, utilitarianism, and the Nash bargaining solution (2019), Social Choice and Welfare, 52, 741-751.

The midpoint-constrained  egalitarian bargaining solution (2019), Mathematical Social Sciences, 101, 107-112, with Dominik Karos.

On the difficulty of extending the coco value to games with more than two players (2019), Operations Research Letters, 47, 363-365.

Alternating offers bargaining and the golden ratio (2019), The Fibonacci Quarterly, 57, 299-302.

Discounting-sensitivity in symmetric repeated games: An example (2020), Operations Research Letters, 48, 1-3. 

Rewarding moderate behavior in a dynamic Nash Demand Game (2020), International journal of Game Theory, 49, 639-650

An implementation of the Nash bargaining solution by iterated strict dominance (2020), Economics Letters, 188

A note on discontinuity and approximate equilibria in games with infinitely many players (2020), Economics Letters, 193.  

A model of menu-dependent evaluations and comparison-aversion (2021),  Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,  91, with Amnon Maltz. 

Costly preparations in bargaining (2021), Scandinavian Journal of Economics123, 532-557, with Emin Karagözoğlu.

Step-by-step negotiations and utilitarianism (2021),  International journal of Game Theory, 50, 433-445. 

No individual priorities and the Nash bargaining solution (2021), Social Choice and Welfare, 56, 855-863.

Linear and utilitarian choice functions: revisiting Myerson’s theorem (2022), Mathematics of Operations Research, 47, 989-994, with Benjamin Bachi. 

Pre-bargaining investment implies a Pareto ranking of bargaining solutions (2022), Group Decision and Negotiation, 31, 769–787.

Between utilitarianism and egalitarianism: some ethical aspects of the Nash bargaining solution (2022), in Bargaining: current trends and future directions,  palgrave macmillan, 131-150.

Symmetric games with only asymmetric equilibria: examples with continuous payoff functions (2023), Economic Theory Bulletin, 11, 65-68.

The Nash bargaining solution: sometimes more utilitarian, sometimes more egalitarian (2023),  Theory and Decision, 95, 457-464.

Inconsistency on Multi-member courts (2024), The Journal of Legal Studies, 53, 1-20, with Alan Miller.