

Enders, Zeno, Jung, Philip and Gernot Mueller (2013): Has the Euro changed the Business Cycle? (in: European Economic Review, Volume 59, April 2013, Pages 189–211). (EER article)

Jung, Philip and Keith Kuester (2011): The (Un)importance of Unemployment Fluctuations for Welfare, in: JEDC, Volume 35, Issue 10, October 2011, Pages 1744–1768. (JEDC article)

Jung, Philip and Moritz Kuhn (2014): Labor market institutions and worker flows: Comparing Germany and the U.S. , The Economic Journal, vol. 124, issue 581, pp.1317-1342. (pdf_version) Short Summary (EJ-article)

Jung, Philip and Keith Kuester (2015) : Optimal Labor-Market Policy in Recessions, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 7(2):124-156. (AEJ article)

Jung, Philip and Moritz Kuhn (2018): Earnings losses and labor mobility over the lifecycle. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2018, 00(0):1–51. (JEEA article)

Jung, Philip, Korfmann, Philipp and Edgar Preugschat (2023): Optimal Regional Labor Market Policies, European Economic Review, Volume 152, 104318.

Other Publications and Policy

Die Reform der Arbeitslosenversicherung with Moritz Kuhn (in German, September 2019) Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik

Jung, Philip, Hassel, Anke, Habeck, Robert, Knuth, Matthias, Spermann Alexande, Grüner, Hans Peter, Blömer, Maximilian Joseph, Fuest Clemens and Andreas Peichl:

Reformvorschläge für den Arbeitsmarkt: Ist Hartz IV noch zukunftsfähig? ifo Schnelldienst, ifo Institute Munich, vol. 72(06), pages 03-25, March

Working Paper

2020 (with Hartung and Kuhn): Unemployment insurance reforms and labor market dynamics (Revision requested at Review of Economic Studies)

2020 (with Ignaszak and Kuester): Federal unemployment reinsurance and local labor-market policies

2016 (with Hartung and Kuhn): Etiopathology of Europe’s sick man: Worker flows in Germany 1959-2016.

Work in Progress

Jung, Philip, Korfmann, Philipp and Edgar Preugschat (2018): Home is where the heart is - taxation and regional mobility over the life-cycle

Older Paper

Philip Jung (2009): Optimal Taxation and Female Labor Force Participation over the
