Professional Experience

Post-Doctoral fellow at the University of Kansas, Lawrence (1987-1989): My mentor  and a good friend during my post-doc position at Kansas was Dan Katz. From him I learnt a lot.  I wrote three joint papers on Rees algebras and mixed multiplicities. Satya Mandal joined the faculty in 1988. Dan, Satya and I organised several seminars together and wrote one joint paper.  

Assistant Professor at Louisiana State University (1989-1990): I spent an year at LSU on a tenure track position. Bernie Johnston and I joined at the same time. We were together at Purdue working under  Bill Heinzer. During one year, we collaborated on several papers which concerned local cohomology of Rees algebras, complete ideals, Hoskin-Deligne formula. 

Faculty member at IIT Bombay (1990-2024): I joined IIT Bombay in 1990 as a lecturer. I was promoted in 1990, 1994, and 1998 to the positions of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor respectively.

Visiting professor at IIT Gandhinagar (2024-) I joined IIT Gandhinagar on 8 July 2024. This new IIT was set up by IIT Bombay in 2008. I was the Head of the Mathematics Department at the time. I traveled quite often to IITGN to set up its academic programs and to hire the first batch of Mathematics faculty members