Pictures from Poznan 2013

Dear Colleagues,As you know, Poznan Linguistic Meeting 2013 (PLM2013) will host a special session in memory of Raj Singh.The conference will take place in Poznan from August 29 to September 1, Thursday through Sunday ( the best day for the session would be Friday, August 30, although of course this is negotiable and depends largely on the participants.I'd like to ask you to submit proposals for papers either directly related to Raj's reasearch or inspired by it, as well as contributions you think Raj might have liked. I think we should observe the general timeline of the conference, which means half-hour slots per paper. This will give us around 10 slots to cover the whole conference day. Please send a proposed title directly to my address AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and the abstracts not later than April 1.If you think there are other colleagues who might be interested and should be encouraged to participate, please let me know. If you have any other ideas for the session, ditto.Looking forward to your reply and participation,With my best regards and New Years wishes,Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk-------------------------------Prof. Katarzyna Dziubalska-KolaczykDean, Faculty of English (WA)Head, CSLPAdam Mickiewicz University, Poznanal. Niepodleglosci 461-874 Poznan,
Harry in the town square