
Hi Center for Equity and Culture,

My name is Paul Kaefer, and I'm writing on behalf of the Quatrefoil Library's Scholarship Committee. We are proud to announce our inaugural scholarship! We are going to give away $1,000 to a graduating high school senior or current college/university/technical or vocational school student this fall. They must be attending school in the state of Minnesota.

In case you don't know of us, Quatrefoil is one of the country’s oldest and largest LGBTQ lending libraries and also serves as a community center.

The link with the application, which has more information, is

We also sent a similar message to Out for Equity, which a fellow volunteer had suggested. Is our scholarship something you could help us publicize? Either by forwarding to your network/schools/etc., or by letting us know contacts we might reach out to? We'd really appreciate your help, and love to know how to best reach folx who would be interested in this.

= Paul Kaefer (he/him)