Canadian Public Service Research Panel (CPSRPanel)

CPSRPanel is an online community of public servants who participate in occasional (maximum four per year) academic web-based surveys and studies about the important work they do for Canadians. It is hosted at the University of British Columbia. Studies on a variety of topics that relate to the work of professional public servants are important to understand the shifting landscape of the public sector and how to continue to support decision-makers, design public policies and implement programs. Panel participants are entered into separate lotteries for each survey completed, with the chance to win one of ten $20 e-gift cards to and one $100 e-gift card to

If you are a government executive, manager, or analyst at any level of government in the public service Canada, we invite you to join the CPSRPanel today!

Privacy details:

CPSRPanel adheres to a strict privacy policy. Your responses are always confidential and used only for research purposes. Results are published only in aggregate or summary form. Your participation is entirely voluntary. You can choose to participate only in surveys that interest you, and you can remove yourself from CPSRPanel at any time you wish after joining with no consequence.


The CPSRPanel is a joint venture led by Professors Carey Doberstein from UBC and Étienne Charbonneau from ENAP-Montréal.

Contact information for the CPSRPanel:

Professor Carey Doberstein



Professor Étienne Charbonneau

