Letters of Recommendation

If you would like me to write a letter of recommendation, please read through the following.

I love that Rhodes students are always finding ways to further their education and service experiences through fellowships, summer research experiences, study abroad, RA/PA positions on campus, graduate school, etc. To help you pursue these opportunities, I am more than happy to write you a letter of recommendation. However, you should know that the most effective letters of recommendation are as detailed and specific as possible. To help me in this endeavor, I ask that students who would like a letter of recommendation from me, write me a letter (it can be in the form of an email) with the following information:

  • List all classes you have taken with me, the semester and year taken, and the grade you received in that class. If you distinguished yourself in my class in some way, please describe. Also, what are the most relevant skills you gained from each class? Are there ways in which you have been able to synthesize information from my classes with other classes in your liberal arts education?

  • If you were one of my first year advisees, what year did you come to Rhodes? If you were one of my major advisees, what year did you become my advisee?

  • Did you do research with me or participate in the MCM? If so, please provide the relevant dates, and describe what you gained from the research experience(s).

  • Describe the fellowship/scholarship/internship/job/school/etc for which you are applying and what qualifies you for that opportunity.

  • What is your major/intended major?

  • What are you long term goals and how does the opportunity help you achieve those goals?

  • Please provide me with the details of where/how the letter needs to be submitted and the date by which it must be submitted.

Lastly, I ask that you please give me at least 2 weeks notice to write your letter.