Where do Product Engineers work?

There are many opportunities for Product Engineers. Within companies they be involved with, or manage the design of manufacturing functions. Product Engineers also possess the entrepreneurial skills needed to start new companies based upon the products they create.

What does a Product Engineer study in school?

Typical topics in a Product Engineering degree include topics such as;

    • Materials science and engineering

    • Electronic systems analysis and design

    • Mechanical system analysis and design

    • Computer programming and application

    • Manufacturing processes

    • Control systems

    • Design methods

    • Project management

    • Systems engineering

    • Automation

    • Patents

What does a Product Engineer do?

Product Engineers are responsible for bringing products from the concept stage to production, and finally to retirement. To do this they use elements from many other branches of engineering. For example when designing an automobile the product engineer must work with mechanical, electrical, materials, and computer engineers who design engine components. Throughout the process the Product Engineer must make sure the design is manufacturable and that all of the pieces of the design will fit together.

Where do Product Engineers go to School?

In the past product engineers would start with a traditional engineering degree and then be trained on the job to do Product Engineering, or go on to graduate studies. Manufacturing engineers ..........