Privacy Policy of Farm Game

The protection of your privacy is of particular importance to us, the Farm Game (in the following „Farm Game“). Furthermore, it is important to us that you know, at any point, when we store your data and how we use it.

What is this Privacy Policy about?

The details given in the following shall provide you with information about when we collect data relating to you during your use of our website (in the following „offering“) and how we use such data. We inform you about the kind of data, the scope of data, and the purposes that such collection and use of data is performed for.

What personal data is used by Farm Game?

Personal data are individual details about personal or objective circumstances relating to a specific or determinable natural person. This may include data such as e.g. name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address. We process your data in the context of our offering only when you have given us your consent to do so, or where it is permissible by law.

What kind of data about accessing the offering does Farm Game use?

For every access of our offering, data about this event is being saved to a protocol file on the server of our hosting service provider.

This especially includes the following information:

  • File name of the content retrieved (respectively, information submitted by you in the course of using our offering);

  • Date and time of the request;

  • Amount of data transferred, access status (content transmitted, content not found, etc.);

  • Operating system, browser and device type;

  • Screen resolution, language and time zone settings;

  • Referrer-URL, i.e. internet address of the website visited previous to accessing our offering;

  • IP address and name of your internet service provider.

We use this data primarily to ensure system security and to optimally adjust our products to the needs of our customers.

Does Farm Game use Cookies?

A Cookie is a small file sent by the offering provided by Farm Game – like many other internet offerings do – to the user’s browser which is then stored on the user’s device in order to recognize the user when the user revisits our offering the next time. Such Cookie usually contains the name of the domain the Cookie originates from, the durability of the Cookie until it expires, and a value in terms of a unique number generated by a respective random generator.

Using such Cookies enables Farm Game to recognize the user, and to statistically record the use of the offering as well as analyze it in order to improve it. This can make the use of Farm Game’s offering easier for the user. Naturally, Farm Game’s offering may be used without Cookies as well, if you set your browser to not accept Cookies. Cookies that are already on the device may be deleted by the user at any time, manually or doing so via the settings of the browser. We want to point out, however, that using the offering provided by Farm Game may possibly be limited or not as convenient without Cookies.

Does Farm Game use analytics tools?

Farm Game automatically records information, namely usage data. For advertising, market research, improvement of existing and creation of new innovative products, Farm Game may create aggregated anonymized data.

Besides that, Farm Game uses Google Analytics to track the usage of the offering in order to optimize the offering for the users. All data is used in anonymized form.

Google Analytics is a web analytics service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called Cookies, text files, which are stored on the user’s device and which enable an analysis of the use of the offering by the user. By activating IP anonymization on the offering, the IP address of the user will however be shortened by Google within the member states of the European Union or other contracting states of the agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a server in the US and shortened there. Google will, on behalf of Farm Game, use the information to analyze the use of the offering by the user, in order to compile reports about the activities of users on the offering and in order to provide further services associated with the use of the offering and the internet. Google will in no way combine the IP address of a user with other data of Google. users can prevent the installation of the cookies by a corresponding setting of the browser software; Farm Game however points out that in this case users can if applicable not use all functions of the offering of Farm Game in full. The users can object to the collection and use of their IP address by Google Analytics by downloading and installing the browser plugin available here:

Alternatively to using the browser plugin or in the browser on mobile devices, you may click the following link to prevent the collection by Google Analytics in the future:

Thereby, a cookie will be placed on your device. In case you delete your cookies, you will have to click the link again.

Does Farm Game save my data in case of me making a request?

In case you direct an inquiry to Farm Game, Farm Game saves the communication history with you as well as information and data submitted in the course of this communication (e.g. email address), in order to optimally answer your request and any further follow-ups.

Is my data in good hands at Farm Game?

The data about you is stored on particular areas of the servers and being protected with all reasonable efforts. However, we have to point out that the Internet does not allow for absolute data security despite all technical measures. We are not liable for actions of third parties.

What are my rights in relation to Farm Game?

You have, upon such request, the right to cost-free information about the personal data stored in regard to your person. Furthermore, you have a right subject to the statutory provisions to have such personal data corrected, blocked, and deleted.

How do I contact Farm Game in regard to data privacy aspects?

We look forward to your contact in case you might have requests, questions, or suggestions relating to data privacy. Please direct written requests to: