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1998 Minutes

The 66th annual edition of the Pritchard Reunion was held on July 12, 1998 at the Johannsen cottages on Lake Mahon. The weather was sunny and hot.

A blessing was said by Reverend Geoffrey Wilfong-Pritchard of Edmonton.

Many faxes and e-mails were received from all over the world. A huge family tree, courtesy of Keith Lachance of Vancouver, was stapled to the side of the garage. Keith also provided the latest record of the descendants of James Pritchard and Judith Ferguson. Copies can be ordered at $12 each (plus postage and GST) from Keith, who also welcomes updates, corrections and additional information.

Paul Johannsen volunteered to compile a list of e-mail addresses. The possibility of a Pritchard family website was mentioned.

There was no financial report as Sondra Dillabaugh was away.

Susan Aucoin volunteered the original farm in Alcove for the 1999 reunion.

Cheryl Pritchard-Layer and June Finless-Gifford entertained the children with games and a fish pond.

Some out of town visitors were

The newest Pritchard descendant to attend was Connor Finless.

The executive are continuing for another year, with Rick Johannsen as President, Elizabeth Pritchard as Secretary, June Gifford and Cheryl Layer as games organizers, and Sondra Dillabaugh as Treasurer. Some of the executive even had a chance to agree to this :)

Elizabeth Pritchard