1 PhD Student (Measurement and Instrumentation area) Position Open
1 PhD Student (Wafer/Thin-film/Via/Critical Dimension (CD) Metrology and Inspection area) Position Open
Precision Metrology and Instrumentation Group (PMIG)
Research Objectives
We are pursuing research to understand fundamental principles in multidisciplinary discipline subjects primarily focused on metrology, inspection, and instrumentation by using our core knowledge in manufacturing, precision engineering, metrology, mechatronics, and optics. Our primary academic interests are to develop precision engineering-inspired approaches to manufacturing and metrology and, reciprocally, to use these approaches to better understand learning and create new knowledge in precision machine systems. We try any possible approaches to solving the current manufacturing problems and characterizing those limits such as accuracy, precision, long-term reliability, and fatigue properties. We train future semiconductor/subtractive/additive metrology and manufacturing workforce and offer technical solutions to the industry.
Area of Research
Semiconductor metrology and inspection tool development
Through Si/Glass via metrology and inspection
Wafer/Mask metrology and inspection
Die-/Wafer-to-wafer bonding layer characterization and modeling
Interferometry for length, surface and volume measurements
Optical/Electric/Magnetic spectroscopy
Vision-based 3D imaging
Machine tool metrology (linear axes, spindles, tool wear, surface profile)
Sensors and instrumentation (for dimensional measurement and on-machine measurement)
Sponsors and Collaborators
Federal Agencies: National Science Foundation (NSF); National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL); Los Alamos National Lab (LANL)
Industry: Denso, Honeywell Federal Manufacturing, Nanocue Technologies, Tri-N, Labpisode, Samsung Electronics; LG Electronics; Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC)
International: The University of Tokyo, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH); Korea Institute of Advancement of Technology (KIAT)
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