
Research Interest

Recent advances in the study of the generalized Fermat equation and variants have revealed a close connection with the determination of rational points on modular curves. The well-known method of modularity came up after Andrew  Wiles celebrated proof of Fermat's theorem. Several new classes of Diophantine equations can be successfully analyzed using the modular method.

I am primarily interested in Diophantine problems. Especially, problems related to Diophantine equations, Diophantine approximation, Hypergeometric methods, Recurrence sequence, and Transcendence. I also have an outside interest in arithmetic geometry.

I have worked on the Modular method, Linear Forms in Logarithms, and Chabauty's method to find explicit solutions to exponential Diophantine equations. Furthermore, I am also interested in transcendence, especially Mahler's method. Currently, I am interested in the exceptional values of Mahler functions and E-functions.