
PhD in Economics – University of Siena

2023 – SERAVALLI Giacomo

Master in Economics – University of Siena

2023 – PELLÈ Francesco

L’effetto del Patto dei Sindaci sul Consumo di Suolo.

Master PGE – IESEG School of Management

2022 COMBE Hadrien

From field to parade: What do French sports fans think about the growing link between fashion and sports ?

2022 – AFONSO GUEDES Bruno

Marketing and potential football all-star match.

2021 – NUTTENS Antoine

Netflix : the new engine of Formula 1. A model transposable to other sports ?

2021 – HENNINOT Victoire

What advantages do French companies have by placing training at the heart of their Human Resources strategy in order to adapt to the future strategic challenges ?

2021 – DELTOMBE Charlotte

From recruitment management to employee loyalty in a rapidly changing context.

2020 – PIERUCCI Axel

Which determinants impact more NBA franchises’ value from one year to another between 2011 and 2020 ?

2020 – ESCAILLAS Marie

What does influence the perceptions of Middle Managers toward Diversity Training in large-sized banks located in France ?

2020 – SUQUET Maelle

What are male and female French managers’ most important motives to undertake organizationally-assigned expatriate assignments and how do they compare ?

2019 – LANDAIS Noemie

Does gender play a role in the decision making of a succession in family firms ? A qualitative research based upon the point of view of predecessors.

2019 – BOURELLIER Matthis

Reducing Gender Inequalities in Multinationals.

Master in Economics – Maastricht University

2016 – HAESE Philipp

Smarter City, Better City? – Can regional amenities related to the concept of smart cites determine the labor migration balance of European metropolises?

2015 – DAINYTE Monika

Empirical Study on the Effects of the Rice Price Crisis in 2007-2008 on the Level of Global Food Security.

2015 – ZHOU Jianru

The Effect of Sex Imbalance on Household Saving Rate in China.

2015 – WU Xiaocen

Risks Analysis of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: An Empirical Application to Chinese Automobile Enterprises.

2015 – DETRY Thomas

Is there a place for a company such as Uber in our society? The case of Belgium

2014 – MENDRINA Christoph

An Empirical Study on the effects of the deregulation in the European Electricity Sector on the Employment and Number of Enterprises.

2014 – JOCHEM Annabelle

An Empirical Study of the 2002 EU Leniency Programme.

2014 – KASBAUER Regina

How do prices behave during collusive and non-collusive periods? New evidence from six German cartel cases