PPDP Symposium Bylaws
PPDP is an annual symposium.
PPDP is scheduled by a Steering Committee (SC) whose composition and function are specified in the next section.
Each symposium has a Program Committee (PC) that is responsible for the scientific content of the program.
Each symposium has a PC Chair that is responsible for the PC composition and cannot submit any paper.
Each symposium has a General Chair that is responsible for local organization, finances, publicity, and liaison with sponsors.
PPDP seeks annually for in-cooperation status with ACM SIGPLAN.
The proceedings are jointly edited by the PC and General Chair and published by the ACM.
Modifications of these bylaws are submitted to the SC Chair and require approval of the SC.
PPDP Steering Committee (SC)
The purpose of the SC is to ensure the long-term success of the PPDP.
The SC selects the location, date, PC and General Chairs of each symposium.
The SC consists of the PC and General Chairs of the last 5 symposia and one member of the SIGPLAN executive committee.
The SIGPLAN representative is appointed by the chair of SIGPLAN, subject to approval by the chair of the PPDP steering committee, once every three years when the SIGPLAN executive committee changes.
The SC elects its own chair shortly after the end of each symposium.
The decisions of the SC require at least 50% of the votes and a simple majority.