Four ways to have a fantastic vacation in Amalfi Coast

When you are on vacation to Italy’s Amalfi Coast, you can experience looking at the cascading cliffs loaded with colorful architecture and feel the breeze of the Mediterranean Sea. The scenic coastal views will seem to stretch on for infinity and the smell of sweet lemons will fill the air. You definitely desire to have a vacation in such a place. So, without waiting, talk with reputed tour operators to organize your Amalfi Coast tour

Let us know the four things that you cannot miss to do when on vacation to Amalfi Coast.


Visit Villa Cimbrone Gardens 

Villa Cimbrone Gardens in Ravello is 1200 feet above the Mediterranean Sea and offers the most spectacular view of the Amalfi Coast. This villa having construction back in the 11th-century, is now a luxury hotel and is back to its former glory.

The gardens have many Roman statues and a temple of Bacchus; the real centerpiece is the Terrace of Infinity. Standing on the terrace, you can see as far as your eye can. You can see up to the Bay of Salerno, which seems to blend into the sky. When viewed from the terrace, the Amalfi Coast towns and buildings look like sculptured work of art.


You must visit the garden when at Amalfi Coast.

Be part of the crowd at Marina Grande Beach.

Spiaggia Grande is the other name of Marina Grande Beach, the primary Beach of Positano. You will have a fantastic view of the pastel architecture of the town from the Beach. You can rent a chair and an umbrella to have comfortable seating on the Beach. If you do not want to spend, you can bring your accessories and head to the Beach's free section to enjoy. It would be best if you had water shoes irrespective of the section you wish to be as the Beach is rocky. 

The Beach may have local Italians but do remember that they love to intermingle with vacationers. As you talk and eat with them, you can know more about the locals' cultural heritage and living style. 

Relax at Fornillo Beach

Fornillo Beach is the ideal option if you are looking for a beach not so crowded, as the Marina Grande Beach then Fornillo Beach is where you need to venture. If you walk 15 minutes from Marina Grande Beach, you will reach Fornillo Beach, giving you the ideal space to relax with your friends and family. As you descend the steps to get to the Beach you will have an incredible view of the surroundings.     


Do bring beach shoes, as the Beach is rocky. There are many restaurants to fill your stomach is you feel the urge to eat local Italian cuisine after having some fun in the water. 

Explore the Duomo di Sant’Andrea

You cannot miss visiting Duomo di Sant’Andrea, the ninth-century cathedral in Amalfi, when you are here. People believe it to be the resting place of St. Andrews. The colorful medieval frescos and architectural features spanning several periods will amaze you as you enter the cathedral. There is a small museum inside giving you a view of old artifacts and if you climb a few steps, you can have a fantastic view of the town.

To visit these places and have the best of transportation, do contact Positano Limo Service. They organize the best tours; have well-maintained limos and able guides to help you have the best of a tour on the Amalfi Coast. Call at (+39) 339 7087359 to know more about their tours and transportation means.