PosChengband 1.0.0 Released

Post date: Jan 13, 2013 4:50:31 PM

After realizing I could spend forever cleaning up code and testing, I decided I would just release what I have on the small chance that somebody besides myself might enjoy playing in the meantime. Apologies in advance for any bugs (While I have done quite a bit of playtesting, it is not possible to test all the possible Race/Class combinations).

You can download Windows binaries here and the source code here. I was able to compile and run on Linux Mint 14 without any issues, and sparse instructions are given in readme.txt.

If you spot any bugs or would like to complain about or perhaps even encourage my continued efforts on PosChengband, be sure to post your thoughts on oook.

(Edit: 1.0.0 had a nasty bug which is now fixed in 1.0.1)