
If you feel so inclined, feel free to download the Magic Set Editor file here. (DOWNLOAD CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE DUE TO GOOGLE SITES OVERHAUL) You will of course need the program in order to open the file; just Google 'Magic Set Editor' to find it. You can see the entire set in a more easily sortable interface, as well as make changes to cards that you feel might be too weak or too strong.

I would request that if you do download Ponylude, please do not attempt to pass off any of my card designs as your own. In addition, if you're trying to make your own MLP-themed Magic set, please do not use Ponylude as a basis for it without at the very least alerting me to your intentions. However, considering that neither Magic: The Gathering nor My Little Pony are my intellectual property in the first place, it's not like I have much in the way of legal recourse to combat you. Just...don't be an idiot, please.

Ponylude is meant to be shared with all your friends. Get out there and share it!

NOTE: In order for Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia to render properly, you will need to download additional card templates from the Magic Set Editor site to support their nonstandard card frames.


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