Hilston Pk 1973

Visit to Hilston Park 1973

We stood in the sheltering arbnur of the school gates, waiting for our coach to arrive. For we, a group of conscientious pupils, were off on an Educational Holiday to darkest Skenfrith.

At last" It ", the old blue bus arrived and we all piled aboard. The bus started and we were off to Hilston Park, known to friends as Hilston Pastie. There started a series of events ever held affe.ctionately in the hearts of all concerned.

We arrived just before noon, and soon made our presence felt-barging around corridors, running up and down ancient staircases and generally making a noise! But we were out done by a certain Mr. Cobley, sliding down the banisters just after they had been pronounced unsafe by Mr. Oxford - The Big Boss.

The first night started with a bang - stop whispering gang, Jill. Griff, .. Some malicious fiends or fiends unknown started a malicious rumour about a freaky nun who had been walled up alive with her lover -straight out of Victoria Holt.

Screams and cranks of chairs followed, with Ruth and Pat feeling the 'Presence' in a corner. Mr. Cobley did his bit to make the night swing by chasing Moose around the Boys' dormitory in his birthday suit – Moose not J.c. - that is. I suppose he will be in the Guinness Book of Records as the first Welsh Streaker. Then to bed for a good night's sleep. To avoid embarrassment we shall not mention the phantom Wier - ask Neil Thomas 5s if you are interested,

The next few days - to say nothing of evenings – were full of startling happenings. The best by far being Mr. Hart's psychedelic pyjamas.

A few questions still need to be answered: where did everyone disappear to at opening time each evening? Why did Carol walk through the Duck Pond - was she pushed or was she drunk? Who played the piano at 5.30 a.m. on Wednesday morning - I think Moan Light Sonata was an apt title, Why does Neil Thomas keep girls' underwear under his pillow? Who was the secret muncher, who took a bite out of Sheryl Roakes' " Wizzard Record "? Why did Glain turn up in a long skirt and three inch platforms for a hike?

Now down to the real grit of this passage. Despite all the fun we had, we also did a considerable amount of work, on various subjects, and we would like to thank all those teachers concerned with the planning and execution (apt) of the trip to Hilston Park, 1973.

Glain Edwards and Carol Jones

Team Photo

Back Row Linda Bounds,?,?, Moose, Stephen While

2nd Row From Back

? Susan Phillps, ?, Helen, Carol Tancock, Sheryl Rooke

2nd Row from Front

?, John Withey, Pat Willis, Cheryl Richards, Glain Edwards, ?,?

Front Row: Mr Bates, Jiffy, Mr Hart, Carol Jones, Neil Thomas, ?

Teresa Peacock and Sheryl Rooke

Front left to right.

A local, Carol Jones, Neal Thomas, Glain Edwards


Boy in hat?, Sheryl Rooke, Susan Phillps, Ruth Graham

Biology Field Trip half way up the Skirrid Fawr

Left to /righ

Cheryl Richards, Pat Wallis?, Miss Williams?, Barbara Gregory, Susan Phillips, Ruth Graham, Carol Tancock

Katrine Howells

Left to Right

Cheryl Richards, Carol Tancock, Susan Phillps, Pat Wallis?, Ruth Graham and ?

Katrine Howells

Lyn Alexander and Barbara Gregory