with no assistance from the under-assistant west coast promotion man




Come and see!

Come and hear!

See and hear Larry!

See Larry stand!

Hear Larry read!

See and hear Larry stand and read.

Hear what?

What will Larry read?

He will read his lush verse.

He will read his terse verse.

Come and cheer; come and curse.

Cheer and curse Larry’s verse.


apologies to Maestro Berlin

Come on along!

Come on & hear!

It’s the best sound in the air.

Come on & hear!

Come on along!

It’ll set your ear to song.

& if you want to hear a versifier

strike up postures

Come on along!

Come on & hear!

Larry Guinchard’s ringing verse?

winter or summer

Larry reads to the scalding milk;

Larry reads to the gnoshing masses.

Come & join the gathered throng,

hear him read through foggy glasses.