Haake Mini compounder with co/counter rotating screws
Haake Mini compounder with co/counter rotating screws
Compression molding machine
Compression molding machine
Stress controlled Rheometer
Stress controlled Rheometer
CEAST (Instron) Pendulum Impact tester
CEAST (Instron) Pendulum Impact tester
Vector Network Analyzer
Vector Network Analyzer
Modulated DSC
Modulated DSC
Polarized Optical Microscope with Hot Stage and Shear cell
Polarized Optical Microscope with Hot Stage and Shear cell
High throughput TGA
High throughput TGA
In-house Designed Water Flux Set-up
In-house Designed Water Flux Set-up
Spin Coating Machine
Spin Coating Machine
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI)
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI)
DM6-High end microscope
DM6-High end microscope