"When we first started our show many years ago, we decided to host a poker series online for our fans, and we called it the Ante Up Intercontinental Poker Series or AIPS. When the morons in America shut down our beloved PokerStars, AIPS went away. But a lot of our fans missed the monthly get-togethers so they started an AIPS series with play money. ... hence pAIPS."

"AIPS, which was the real money series that pAIPS is a descendant of, used to be played on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The problem was some people could never make it on that particular day because they had a standing commitment. So Chris [Cosenza] and Scott [Long] decided to try to hold an event on the 6th of every month. This would naturally rotate to a different day of the week and yet hopefully still be memorable. 

When pAIPS was kicked off in 2011, it continued the established AIPS schedule. We've been playing on the sixes ever since."


Once this is complete, you may set your notifications based on these events according to whatever specific calendar product you are using.

Another option is to create a Google calendar of your own to remind you of the events.  Once you have created your Google calendar, you can select the drop-down arrow to the right of the "Other calendars" element then select "Add by URL" and paste in the full ics link given above.  After you have linked to the pAIPS calendar, you may set up custom notifications to be delivered to you by email or text message. To do this, select the drop-down arrow to the right of the pAIPS calendar element, then select "Edit notifications".

Also, if you use Twitter, you could follow @PokerGeekMN who will usually send a pAIPS reminder tweet on the day of an event.

Once you are registered for an event, and the event has started, logging off the desktop client and opening the mobile client app should automatically open up your pAIPS Home Game tournament table and allow you to play from the device. 

As proof that it does work for some people, here is a screen shot of one of the Home Game tournaments running on my Android device: 

Stars Home Game on Android

John Somsky had this to share regarding playing pAIPS on an iPhone:

"I have successfully played on my iPhone. It launched the home game even though I hadn't signed into the PC for a few days. My Google Nexus tablet (android) wouldn't launch the home game table however. This isn't an answer to the questions, just more information."

For what it's worth, the official position from PokerStars on this matter is that the mobile app does not support Home Games (although we have seen cases to the contrary):

"Thank you for contacting PokerStars. PokerStars' Mobile Poker application has several differences when compared to the computer software. One of these is the Home Games feature you mentioned. We are afraid that this feature is currently not available."

There is one other possibility if the mobile app solution does not work for you. You could try running a "remote desktop" app on your mobile device that would allow you to connect to your own PC where the regular PokerStars client would be running. You could then use your mobile device to interact with your PC as if you were sitting right in front of it. This is not as elegant of a solution as the native mobile PokerStars app, as interacting with desktop controls through a mobile device is sometimes challenging and your PC must stay powered on and ready to accept connections.